
FuelPHP v2.0 DEVELOPMENT, the current stable version can be found at the link below. The main download with a basic Application setup, PHPUnit config and front controllers for webaccess and the command line. The core packages need to be added through Composer.

Primary LanguagePHP

FuelPHP 2.0-dev

This is the development of the next generation of FuelPHP. As the Kernel package is now considered feature complete we are moving towards a first beta release. It is still not recommended for production usage.
While this is written anew from the ground up, much of the code was ported from v1.x.

How to install

Clone or download this repository and run composer.phar install from the commandline in the directory where you put Fuel. That will clone the "fuel/kernel", "fuel/core", "fuel/oil", "doctrine/dbal" packages into the fuelphp directory.
If you want to keep using a static interface you need to add "fuel/static" : "dev-master" to the main composer.json file. You can also add "fuel/legacy" in the same way that should allow most of the 1.x API calls on the new codebase.

Important changes

Below I'll keep a list of important techniques/patterns implemented.

Adoption of industry standards like Composer/Packagist and PSR-0 & PSR-1

Version 2.0 will include and have its packages setup to be installable using Composer. Also allowing you to easily include packages from Packagist.

By default Fuel will now use the PSR-0 standard for classloading. Its implementation is actually a superset, but it is fully compatible with PSR-0. For convenience and speed each Fuel-specific Package can be given a base namespace that will be required and stripped before any class to path conversion takes place (these are not loadable through the Composer autoloader). The same goes for modules inside the Package, those will have subnamespaces that are required and stripped before conversion as well.

We also decided to adopt PSR-1, which means that instead of snake_case names the methods & variablenames are now camelCased.

Everything is a Package and they'll be routable

In v1.x the Application, Core and Oil packages weren't normal packages and didn't follow the same rules as other packages. As of 2.0 the Core will be divided up into the absolute minimum one needs to run Fuel (the 'Kernel', without any dependencies) and the Core that will contain important extensions and utility classes. The Kernel could be considered a micro-framework upon which the Core is build.

Applications will have wrapper classes that get instantiated to work with the Package as an Application instead of a normal package. All packages that are loaded into an Application may be routable within that application, but only if you mark them as such.
Defining of the routes has also been moved outside the config dir and into the Application class.

Unified and Package based Class and File loading

Instead of separate loaders for classes and files have these been replaced by Package Loader objects. These will handle both the classloading of the autoloader and the fileloads. But the Autoloader will also make all packages available you installed through Composer as long as they follow PSR-0 and have their namespace registered.

Dependency Injection Containers and 'inheritance injection'

First of all we'll keep the global namespace clean from now on (except when you load static/legacy support). But the 'inheritance injection' to the global namespace was very powerful. Allowing you, for example, to extend the base Controller and have its extensions available in the Controller_Template and Controller_Rest as well (as those extend the alias, not the original classname).
For that reason we still provide these aliases but they're aliased to a Fuel\Aliases\ namespace.

Next we implemented a DiC. This will be available globally and Application specific, where the Application DiC will fallback to the environment DiC when something unknown is requested. Below are the most important methods relating to the DiC:

$session_classname = $dic->getClass('Session');

getClass() can return whatever you configure as the default Session driver, for example 'Fuel\Core\Session\Cookie'. When the class is unknown it returns the given classname unmodified.

$session = $dic->forge('Session');
$session = $dic->forge(array('Session', 'mySession'));

forge() returns an instance of the class that getClass() returns on the first argument. You can also register & name it as is done in the second example using array($class, $name). Any additional arguments past the first one are passed on to the constructor. When this method is called on an application's DiC instance it will automatically call a _setApp(Application\Base $app) method on the new instance when available, to provide the parent Application reference.

$session = $dic->getObject('Session', 'name');

getObject() retrieves an object from the DiC for a specific class, without the 'name' param it will create a default instance when one isn't available yet (default instances are specific to the DiC instance and don't fallback). Named objects must be registered or they'll throw an Exception.

$dic->setObject('Session', 'name', $session)

setObject() allows you to register an object with the DiC if you didn't do it during forging.

Environment superobject and Application objects

The initialization of Fuel has been divided up into setting up the Environment and only after that is the Application initialized. The environment settings entail all those settings that should not or cannot be changed while an Application is running but should instead be considered fixed.

Applications are normal packages that have an Application class, either named Application\Main within the package namespace or has an Application classname registered with the environment. These classes are instantiated when an application is loaded and are able to create other Applications to interact with with the environment. This is in some ways similar to HMVC but on the application level instead of the Request level (HMVC would be another Request within the same application).

Simplified Modules and possible in all packages

The concept of Modules has been simplified into a way of structuring your files inside the Package directory. All Views, Configs and Language files from a Module are considered the same as those from the parent Package (the latter taking precedence). The concept of an 'active' Module has been removed (of which the filepath took precedence over the Application).
They're also no longer limited to the Application directory and can be put into any Package. They must be a subnamespace inside that Package and be a subdirectory in the modules directory of that Package.

Oil reimplemented as an Application with Tasks as specialized Controllers

Oil is now an Application within the new setup. This means it has an Application wrapper class and its own internal routing. Its own Front Controller is still named oil (without extension) and has almost no differences with the normal index.php FC.

Tasks have been reimplemented as specialized Controllers which means their methods require an 'action_' prefix and they're inside a subnamespace of the Application. The routing to these Tasks works through normal routing means but requires specialized Route objects that route to Tasks instead of Controllers.
All Oil command-classes have been reimplemented as Tasks.

File structure reordering

The number of subdirectories per package has been increasing and we felt this has become less clear. We have decided to move the less edited/used files into a 'resources' subdirectory.

  • In the package folder itself you'll find: classes, config, languages, modules, resources and views.
  • In the resources folder you'll find: migrations, tests and vendor. In Application Packages you'll also have: cache, logs and tmp.

Decentralized Config and Language

Even though both Config and Language had a concept of 'groups' they were just 1 massive container per Application. This is no longer the case. Each Application will have a main Config object that can access its 'children' much like before, but those children will be separate objects which can be accessed on their own and are part of the class that loaded them.

The Config and Language classes have also both become extensions of the new Data superclass as they share a lot of their functionality. Among which are a new default values convention and very basic settings validation.

ViewModel becomes Presenter

As the name lead to much confusion and discussion about CamelCasing of the name we decided that it is time for a better name. ViewModel is the name the concept has in MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), but it is about as similar to the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) concept and that provides better clarity about its function. They will remain very much optional though and Fuel will remain MVC.
The Presenter class has also become a superset of the View class instead of wrapping a View object.

Parser package integrated into the Kernel/Core

As the parsing of strings is necessary throughout Fuel and not just in Views this needs to be available everywhere for both files and free input. Because of this a new Parser concept was introduced. Though the Kernel has just PHP support, the Core will add Markdown and Twig out of the box.

Migrations as objects

Migrations will no longer be classes but instead they'll be objects. An example is given below:


return $app->forge('Migration')
	->up(function() {
		// do some DB transactions
	->down(function() {
		// undo some DB transactions

Query Builder and ORM removal

We needed to get 'back to basics'. Our business is that of creating a framework and developing a Query Builder and an ORM alongside that is adding 2 full projects to our main one. There are already many awesome ORMs available that are not framework specific and would integrate nicely with FuelPHP (Doctrine, RedBean, Propel, etc).

But the Query Builder also needed to go, we have been unsatisfied with it for some time - especially its lack of real platform independence. We ended up deciding to replace it with Doctrine's DBAL, a fully featured, heavily tested and widely used alternative that does everything we need. FuelPHP will not be tied to DBAL though, but for libraries like Session there will be a DBAL-based driver available.

The Static interface

The Kernel and Core packages will no longer contain any static classes at all as those break encapsulation. We are however aware of how popular they are and how much they facilitate rapid development. For those who do not mind the limitations (which will be no bigger than those currently imposed by them in 1.x) there is a static interface package available. This will allow usage like Validation::forge() instead of $this->app->forge('Validation') but more importantly they will support all methods available on an instance as a static interface. Thus any method available on the Fuel\Core\Validation\Base object will be available on the Validation class through a singleton instance of Validation inside it.
This will be done using __callStatic() and thus always keep up with any changes to the Core, never lagging behind.

Legacy support

We'll also provide as much backwards compatibility for 1.x as is possible. This is done by an extra package that extends the Static package to mimic how they worked before where the interface changed. Some things will need a bit of search & replace, though doable project wide if your IDE/texteditor is capable of that. The legacy package should get this to an absolute minimum though.
Other things will require a little bit of rewriting, migrations are an example of that as mentioned. Any Core extensions will not and cannot be backwards compatible for the most part.

Once we go into beta we will provide two guides on updating:

  1. With legacy package activated
  2. Without the legacy features actived