
Epicodus Week 8 Day 5 - Rails project to create store with user auth, products, and csv upload support

Primary LanguageRuby



This is a project to make a demo website for a store.

User stories


  • As a store owner, I want to create a new entry for a product with a name, price, and description.

  • As a shopper, I want to see a list of all the products in the store, and be able to click on them to get more information.

  • As a store owner, I want to make sure only I and other store employees can add, edit, and remove products. Only allow unauthenticated users to list and show products; all other actions for products and all actions for users should be restricted to authenticated users.

  • As a store owner, I want to add product in bulk by uploading a CSV with information on them. Hint: Add a ProductUploadsController with only new and create actions.

To Do:

  • As a store owner, I want to optionally add an image to a product.
  • As a store owner, after I upload a CSV, I want to see a list of any rows that couldn't be imported.
  • As a store owner, when I upload a CSV, I want to map the column headers of my CSV to the database fields, so that I don't have to make sure my column headers match the database field names exactly. Hint: Use the jQuery CSV plugin to parse the CSV, extract the headers, display them to the user, let them map to the database fields, and then send the mapping back as a parameter with the file upload.