Python script producing a 'top-like' output for Redis info commandstats
Redis documentation on the INFO command which is providing the data used by this script is here:
Script requires at least 1 argument on the command line which is host:port of the Redis you wish to connect to. Optionally, you can provide a second argument which is the password to use to AUTH to Redis.
example execution:
python localhost:6379
or with auth:
python mypassword
Once started, the script runs forever until killed by pressing 'q', 'esc' or ctrl-C if you are feeling violent. The display 'refreshes' on an interval that can be changed by pressing +/-. You can sort the output of the commandstats by any of the columns by pressing the number of the column you wish to sort by:
- 1 = total = the total number of times the command has been called since Redis was started
- 2 = since last int = the number of times the command was called since the previous poll/interval
- 3 = calls/sec = a calculated approximation of the number of times the command was called per second. This is calulated by taking the 'since last int' number and dividing by the approximate number of seconds since last refresh. this is not a highly accurate number, just an approximation.
- 4 = usec/call = average CPU time consumed for each call
Redis 5.0.0 (standalone) on Darwin 18.2.0 x86_64 (pid: 9257)
uptime: 1 days, replication role: master, connected slaves: 0
142 total connections (0 new), 2 connected, used memory: 281.28M
12008 ops/sec, input: 492.06 kbps, output: 74.24 kbps
refresh interval: 3 seconds (press +/- to change)
sorting on 'total'
call total since last int calls/sec usec/call
----------- -------- ---------------- ----------- -----------
sadd 76275982 8561 2853 1.35
spop 50528080 5724 1908 2.10
lpush 49574720 5616 1872 1.41
get 28607980 3163 1054 0.94
setbit 20027741 2189 729 1.26
zadd 19074577 2081 693 2.39
hset 19074382 2081 693 1.83
lpop 19074382 2081 693 1.75
del 14300565 1632 544 1.66
smembers 12400847 1303 434 4.31
set 2860234 324 108 1.83
incrby 953362 108 36 1.37
srandmember 953360 108 36 3.37
xadd 953359 108 36 11.56
llen 953359 108 36 1.04
bitcount 42877 9 3 15.26
info 3985 2 0 49.89
hget 312 0 0 1.24
hmset 162 0 0 5.00
zscore 156 0 0 1.15
ping 126 0 0 0.56
command 12 0 0 604.75
scan 5 0 0 40.00
auth 1 0 0 1.00
sort on numeric columns by pressing 1-4. press esc to exit.