
Microservice designed to control 99minutos something

Table of Contents


Software Version
Go 1.21.X

Install Go


choco install golang

Debian based

apt install golang-go 

Mac OS X

brew install go

Other installation methods: Download Golang


  1. Clone this project

  2. Configure your environment variables ".env" file, you can use the ".env.example" file as a guide

  3. Execute the following command to download the dependencies

    go mod tidy
  4. For run the project execute the following command

    go run cmd/<service-name>/main.go
  5. Happy hacking :D

Built with

  • IntelliJ Ultimate with go plugin ( recommended )
  • IntelliJ Goland
  • Visual Studio Code


├── build
│   ├── cloudbuild.yaml
│   └── Dockerfile
├── CHANGELOG.template.md
├── cmd
│   └── example
│       └── main.go
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile.dev
├── docs
│   ├── MODEL.md
│   ├── STATE-MACHINE.md
│   └── TRANSITIONS.md
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   ├── application
│   │   ├── ports
│   │   │   ├── example_repo_iface.go
│   │   │   └── example_service_iface.go
│   │   ├── repository
│   │   │   └── mongo
│   │   │       └── order_impl.go
│   │   └── services
│   │       └── example
│   │           ├── example_handlers_impl.go
│   │           └── example_impl.go
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── config.go
│   │   └── helpers.go
│   ├── domain
│   │   └── example.go
│   └── infraestructure
│       └── adapters
│           ├── driven
│           │   ├── cmux
│           │   │   └── cmux.go
│           │   ├── envs
│           │   │   └── config.go
│           │   ├── fiber
│           │   │   └── fiber.go
│           │   ├── logger
│           │   │   └── logger.go
│           │   ├── mongodb
│           │   │   └── mongodb.go
│           │   ├── redis
│           │   │   └── cache.go
│           │   └── tracer
│           │       └── tracer.go
│           └── driver
│               ├── grpc
│               │   ├── domain_to_grpc.go
│               │   ├── handlers.go
│               │   └── server.go
│               └── rest
│                   └── handlers.go
├── Makefile
└── README.md

Infrastructure dependencies

Software Version
MongoDB >=5.x
Redis >=6.x


Docker version 24.0.2
Docker Compose version v2.18.1

Launch services

docker-compose up -d

Rebuild app

docker-compose up -d app --build

Data Model

you can see the data model in the following link -> Data Model


you can see the changelog in the following link -> Changelog