
WDI Project 2 backend

Primary LanguageRuby

Link to the Front End Repo: https://github.com/jcmeyer10/tap-app/tree/master/startbootstrap-one-page-wonder-1.0.3

Link to live app: http://jcmeyer10.github.io/tap-app/startbootstrap-one-page-wonder-1.0.3/

This is what I used to plan out my app

Included is the simple wireframe, ERD, and user stories.

What I have today:

I have CRUD.

App Explanation:

This application allows users to keep track of what beer they have and how many they have. Once a User registers and logs in, they can get their list of beers. Using forms that show up upon login they can add a beer to their list and have it update. The User can update the amount of beer they have. The User can delete a beer from the list.

I utilized a PostgreSQL database using Rails to input tables and modify schema. Utilizing AJAX calls, through jQuery click handlers, I was able to communicate with the server. I rendered content on the front end using HTML/CSS through a bootstrap template.

User Stories: Profile: As a User, I want to register As a User, I want to log in As a User, I want to log out

Beer Locker: C- As a User, I want to add a beer, and the amount of that beer

R- As a User, I want to be able to get a current list of my beers and their quantities

U- As a User, I want to be able to update the amount of a beer I have

D- As a User, I want to be able to delete a beer from my list

Future Beer Locker: C- As a User, I want to be able to add tasting notes to my beers

R- As a User, I want to be able to read and keep my tasting notes in a seperate place

U- As a User, I want to be able to update beer name, brewery or style of a beer in case I put it in wrong As a User, I want to be able to update tasting notes

D- As a User, I want to destroy my tasting notes