First import "xrescode_extensions_v3.proto";
and declare loaders. See pb_extension/xrescode_extensions_v3.proto for details.
syntax = "proto3";
import "xrescode_extensions_v3.proto";
message role_upgrade_cfg {
option (xrescode.loader) = {
file_path : "role_upgrade_cfg.bytes"
indexes : {
fields : "Id"
index_type : EN_INDEX_KL // Key - List index: (Id) => list<role_upgrade_cfg>
indexes : {
fields : "Id"
fields : "Level"
index_type : EN_INDEX_KV // Key - Value index: (Id, Level) => role_upgrade_cfg
// It's allow to add more indexes, the default name of index is [fields].join("_"), you can change name by name field.
tags : "client"
tags : "server"
int32 CostValue = 4;
int32 ScoreAdd = 5;
- Copy common files from template/common/cpp
- Generate loader codes by template template/config_manager.h.mako , template/config_manager.cpp.mako , template/config_easy_api.h.mako , template/config_easy_api.cpp.mako , template/config_set.h.mako , template/config_set.cpp.mako
mkdir -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/pbcpp";
cp -rvf "$REPO_DIR/template/common/cpp/"* "$REPO_DIR/sample/pbcpp";
python "$REPO_DIR/tools/" -I "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto" -I "$REPO_DIR/pb_extension" "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto/"*.proto -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" ;
# You can use --pb-include-prefix "pbdesc/" to set subdirectory for generated files. This will influence the generated #include <...FILE_PATH>
python "$REPO_DIR/" -i "$REPO_DIR/template" -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/pbcpp" \
-g "$REPO_DIR/template/config_manager.h.mako" -g "$REPO_DIR/template/config_manager.cpp.mako" \
-g "$REPO_DIR/template/config_easy_api.h.mako" -g "$REPO_DIR/template/config_easy_api.cpp.mako" \
-l "H:$REPO_DIR/template/config_set.h.mako" -l "S:$REPO_DIR/template/config_set.cpp.mako" \
- At last, just use the generated config_manager and config_easy_api to visit datas.
#include <cstdio>
#include "config_manager.h"
#include "config_easy_api.h"
int main() {
// Initialize ....
// excel::config_manager::me()->set_version_loader([] (std::string& out) {
// // Read version from file and write it to out
// return true; // return true if load version success
// });
// If you want to intergrate file loader to your system(such as UE or Unity), you should provide buffer loader handle
// excel::config_manager::me()->set_buffer_loader([] (std::string& out, const char* file_path) {
// // Read binary data from file with path=file_path, and write all data into out
// // The value of file_path is the same as file_path field of option (xrescode.loader)
// return true; // return true if load file success
// });
// Set how much data group will be keep after reload.
// excel::config_manager::me()->set_group_number(8);
// Call set_override_same_version(true) to force to reload datas even version(load by set_version_loader(HANDLE)) not changed.
// excel::config_manager::me()->set_override_same_version(true);
// Set logger, the default logger is to write log into stdout
// excel::config_manager::me()->set_on_log([](const log_caller_info_t& caller, const char* content) {
// // ...
// });
// Any set any other event handles
// Call reload to generate a configure group
// Now you can load data by easy api or config_manager's raw API
auto cfg = excel::get_role_upgrade_cfg_by_id_level(10001, 3); // using the Key-Value index: id_level
if (cfg) {
printf("%s\n", cfg->DebugString().c_str());
return 0;
- Copy common files from template/common/lua
- Generate loader codes by template template/DataTableCustomIndex.lua.mako , template/DataTableCustomIndex53.lua.mako
mkdir -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/pblua";
cp -rvf "$REPO_DIR/template/common/lua/"*.lua "$REPO_DIR/sample/pblua";
python "$REPO_DIR/tools/" -I "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto" -I "$REPO_DIR/pb_extension" "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto/"*.proto -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" ;
python "$REPO_DIR/" -i "$REPO_DIR/template" -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/pblua" \
-g "$REPO_DIR/template/DataTableCustomIndex.lua.mako" \
-g "$REPO_DIR/template/DataTableCustomIndex53.lua.mako" \
- At last, just use the generated
to visit datas.
-- We will use require(...) to load DataTableService53,DataTableCustomIndex53 and custom data files, please ensure these can be load by require(FILE_PATH)
-- Assuming the generated lua files by xresloader is located at ../../../xresloader/sample/proto_v3
package.path = '../../../xresloader/sample/proto_v3/?.lua;' .. package.path
local excel_config_service = require('DataTableService53')
-- Set logger
-- excel_config_service:OnError = function (message, index, indexName, keys...) end
local role_upgrade_cfg = excel_config_service:Get("role_upgrade_cfg")
local data = role_upgrade_cfg:GetByIndex("id_level", 10001, 3) -- using the Key-Value index: id_level
for k,v in pairs(data) do
print(string.format("%s=%s", k, tostring(v)))
-- We can also use DataTableService.GetCurrentGroup(self) and DataTableService.GetByGroup(self, group, loader_name) to support multi-version loader
local current_group = excel_config_service:GetCurrentGroup()
local role_upgrade_cfg2 = excel_config_service:GetByGroup(current_group, "role_upgrade_cfg")
local data2 = role_upgrade_cfg:GetByIndex("id", 10001) -- using the Key-List index: id
for _,v1 in ipairs(data2) do
print(string.format("\tid: %s, level: %s", tostring(v1.Id), tostring(v1.Level)))
for k,v2 in pairs(v1) do
print(string.format("\t\t%s=%s", k, tostring(v2)))
- Generate loader codes by template template/ConfigSet.cs.mako , template/ConfigSetManager.cs.mako
mkdir -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/pbcs";
python "$REPO_DIR/tools/" -I "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto" -I "$REPO_DIR/pb_extension" "$REPO_DIR/sample/proto/"*.proto -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" ;
python "$REPO_DIR/" -i "$REPO_DIR/template" -p "$REPO_DIR/sample/sample.pb" -o "$REPO_DIR/sample/pbcs" \
-g "$REPO_DIR/template/ConfigSet.cs.mako" \
-l "$REPO_DIR/template/ConfigSetManager.cs.mako" \
- Use the generated
to visit datas.
using System;
using excel;
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
// The C# configSet now generated by Singleton Classes.
// For the multi ConfigGroup management may be added when need.
var table = config_set_role_upgrade_cfg.Instance.GetByIdLevel(10001, 3);
if (table != null) {
You can custom your loader codes by providing code template files which just like files in $REPO_DIR/template
Globale template:
g:<template path>:<output path>
Message template(render for each message with loader):
m:<header template path>:<output path rule>
Loader template(render for loader):
l:<header template path>:<output path rule>
Use pip to instal all dependencies:
# For python2
env PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" pip install Mako --user -f requirements.txt
# For python3 on Linux or macOS
env PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" python3 -m pip install Mako --user -f requirements.txt
# For python3 on Windows(powershell)
python -m pip install Mako --user -f requirements.txt
Or you can download and build dependencies by your self
cd 3rd_party ;
wget ;
tar -axvf Mako-$MAKO_VERSION.tar.gz ;
rm -rf mako ;
mv Mako-$MAKO_VERSION/mako mako;
chmod 777 -R mako ;
rm -rf Mako-$MAKO_VERSION Mako-$MAKO_VERSION.tar.gz ;
SIX_VERSION=1.15.0 ;
cd 3rd_party ;
wget$SIX_VERSION.tar.gz -O six-$SIX_VERSION.tar.gz ;
tar -ax six-$SIX_VERSION.tar.gz ;
cp -f six-$SIX_VERSION/ six/ ;
chmod 777 -R six ;
rm -rf six-$SIX_VERSION ;
cd 3rd_party ;
wget$PROTOBUF_VERSION/protobuf-python-$PROTOBUF_VERSION.tar.gz ;
tar -axvf protobuf-python-$PROTOBUF_VERSION.tar.gz ;
cd protobuf-$PROTOBUF_VERSION ;
./configure ;
make -j16 ;
cd python ;
python build ;
python setup sdist ;
cd ../../ ;
rm -rf protobuf/* ;
mkdir -p protobuf ;
cp -rf protobuf-$PROTOBUF_VERSION/python/dist/protobuf-$PROTOBUF_VERSION/* protobuf/ ;
chmod 777 -R protobuf ;