User Skills Exercise



  • Ruby 3.2.2
  • Rails 7.0.8
  • SQLite
$ bundle install
$ rails db:setup

Data Structure

We have this basic data structure:

ERD diagram showing Users linked to Skills through UserSkills

Each worker has the concept of the "maximum years of experience," which is the maximum experience they have in any one of their associated skills. For example, if a worker has 8 skills, each ranging of years of experience from 5-34 years, then that worker would have a maximum years of experience of 34 years.

Here is what this might look like in the Rails console:

Rails console output showing Users, associated User Skills, Skills, and a maximum number of years of experience


  1. Update the main page to:
  • Only include 50 workers
  • Ordered by their maximum years of experience (as defined above)
  • With the highest number of years experience at the top
  1. Update the main page to look like this Figma design
  • You should use the ApplicationController#current_user method (you do not need to build an auth system)