
Primary LanguageRuby

See README_FOR_APP for details on the actual application.
This document describes thoughts from the developer.


See the "history of vds-pip" doc file for background on everything that's happened in this project.

Just done:
allowed dependency deletion via documents/show popup
disabled creating deps b/w folders
specific names for some stages, tasks, factors, auto folder creation on project creation
	added constant fields for stages, factors, tasks in config/application.rb
added membership.rb's after_create


Old thoughts: 

Questions for later (probably trivial):
Is createuser (register) only for certain users, so you can't register straight-up?

Way Later:
Soft delete, which isn't an essential feature, is only partly done so far.
Key idea = The tasks table has a t.datetime "deleted_at" field
	-if this is null, the task is not deleted; 
	-if it's not null (it's an actual datetime), then that datetime is when the task was deleted, and the task is deleted.

Quick Thanks
Document icon: http://www-03.ibm.com/software/lotus/symphony/gallery.nsf/GalleryClipArtAll/BC366132009A4D3E8525759600321C79