
Vessel is an opinionated bootstrap of files to setup an API centric Flask application.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Vessel is an opinionated bootstrap of files to setup an API centric Flask application.

Its aims to provide a simple set of files and configuration required for building API services using Flask. Vessel is strongly opinionated about how control flows across your application, but its also very extensible. You can install any python packages you want and/or remove the ones you do not want.


To use Vessel, clone this repo into project_root, ensure your python environments are configured and activated.

Run: $ pip install -r requirements.txt

This will pull and install all vessel dependencies into the current or active virtual environment. Copy the content of .env_sample into .env and set proper environment variables.

Start Server

In the project_root with environment activated,

Run: $ python run.py runserver

Open your browser and enter

vessel CLI Tool

Vessel comes with a small CLI tool to help generate commmonly used utilities like models, repositories, blueprints, controllers, tests and factories


Usage: python vessel.py

Command Line Arguments
   make:model name eg. python vessel.py make:model user [--with_repo [_controller] ]
   make:repo name eg. python vessel.py make:repo user
   make:blueprint name eg. python vessel.py make:blueprint vendors [--url_prefix=vendors]
   make:controller name eg. python vessel.py make:controller user
   make:test name eg python vessel.py make:test test_user_repo - This command will parse paths and write to the valid paths provided
   make:factory name eg python vessel.py make:factory role
   show_routes eg python vessel.py show_routes


Ofcourse there's support for testing using pytest. To create a new test suite, simply run the make:test command on the CLI.

eg. $ python vessel.py make:test integration/endpoints/test_user_endpoints

To run tests $ python -m pytest

Folder and Code Structure

|-- project_root
    |-- app/
        |-- blueprints/
            |-- base_blueprint.py
        |-- controllers/
            |-- __init__.py
            |-- base_controller.py
        |-- models/
            |-- __init__.py
            |-- base_model.py
        |-- repositories/
            |-- __init__.py
            |-- base_repo.py
        |-- utils/
            |-- __init__.py
            |-- auth.py
            |-- security.py
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- test_db.db
    |-- config/
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- env.py
    |-- factories
        |-- __init__.py
    |-- migrations
    |-- tests
        |-- integration/
            |-- endpoints/
                |-- __init__.py
                |-- test_dummy_endpoints.py
            |-- __init__.py
        |-- unit
            |-- repositories/
            |-- test_auth.py
        |-- __init__.py
        |-- base_test_case.py
    |-- .env_sample
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- LICENSE
    |-- Procfile
    |-- pytest.ini
    |-- README.md
    |-- requirements.txt
    |-- run.py
    |-- vessel.py


For Heroku enthusiast. Delete if you'd not be deploying to Heroku.

Bugs, Corrections, Feedback, Contributing

No system is 100% I'd be happy if you can jump in and collaborate. If you find bugs or errors or see places where you can improve on, fork the repo, and raise a PR or shoot me an email. jcobhams[at]gmail[dot]com