Checks the EE Store for Updates for a module
- Register the Class as a service in
- In the module, add a place to show the update like the example below:
$html = '';
if ($this->settings['check_for_updates'] == 'y')
$hasUpdate = ee('youraddon:Updates')->updateAvailable(STORE_NAME, MODULE_VERSION);
if ($hasUpdate)
$ee_store_response = ee('youraddon:Updates')->getUpdateResponse(STORE_NAME);
if ($store_response)
$remote_version = $ee_store_response->version; // The version on the add-on store. Should be the same or higher.
$link = $ee_store_response->url; // Link to the EE Addon Store's Module page.
$last_updated = $ee_store_response->last_update; // The late update date set in the EE Store's backend.
$html .= ee('CP/Alert')->makeInline('update-message')
->addToBody(lang('this_version').": ".MODULE_VERSION."<br />".lang('store').": ".$remote_version.", last updated ".$last_updated.". <br /><a href='".$link."' alt='EE Store Link' target='_new'>Visit the EE Store</a>")
echo $html; // Put this in your output.
- This would be blocking to the page load, and be better handled over an async javascript call.
- The default is 1 day between checks.