This project is actually an assignment for the Aspen University course DCS906 Automata Complexity Theory. This is my independent study evaluation project. In this course we started off with discussions of FSMs and regular expressions. Later in the course we discussed languages and grammars. I have in the past created and implemented Domain Specific Languages (DSL) before, and I thought this a good opportunity to apply my skills with topics in the course. The result is this language and compiler.
The language is intentionally simple, as I just need to demonstrate the concepts of language creation, and not bog down the reader with unnecessary complexity. Additionally to make the effort interesting I decided to test out the language by writing a compiler for it. This project includes the code necessary to compile a FSM definition with this language into a form that can be consumed by the JFLAP tool.
JFLAP is a set of software for exploring formal languages including Finite State Machines. Actually it is so much more than even that. It is a wonderful tool that has helped me understand finite automata. A great accompaniment to the text.
This project was developed with Eclipse (Oxygen 3 for Java) with the Antlr plugins. it leverages the great work of the Antlr project, however I only touched the full capabilities of this library. It is a ready for prime time DSL creation tool with bindings for many languages, not just Java. The project structure is simple, since this is just one class assignment, so don't expect to see all the and software engineering practices that I would apply in my professional capacity. There just wasn't the time or need to include JUnits, Maven dependency management, etc.