
Nodejs/AngularJS WebRTC Communication Platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NodeJS/WebRTC Communication Platform

Live demo: https://euphony.herokuapp.com

Euphony is a WebRTC conferencing platform for multiple rooms and users based on Node and AngularJS.


Copy the entire folder to your server and run node server.js. It will start local HTTP and WebSocket servers so it may require administrator privileges. If you want to use HTTPS, you can use the commented code in server.js and use your own certificates. Using HTTPS has some advantages over HTTP so your browser won't ask twice for permission and Chrome will allow you to share your desktop.


Just use your browser to access the server and type your nickname and the name of the room you want to create. Other users can join your room. You can send invitations using the following format URL:


where server should be substituted by your server URL, room should be the name of the room and nick is the nickname of the person.