
Run SQL text through the PostgreSQL parser and return syntax error information for each contained statement.

Primary LanguageC


Run SQL text through the PostgreSQL parser and return syntax error information for each contained statement.

Usage example:
test=# select * from pgsynck
test-# ($$
test$#     select '1;2;3/* not a comment */' from "My;Table" as from;
test$#     select x from (select 1 as x);
test$#     /* test;test */ begin;
test$#     insert into foo2 values ('1''2','3;4');
test$#     abort my trans
test$# $$);
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
sql        | 
           |     select '1;2;3/* not a comment */' from "My;Table" as from
cursorpos  | 59
sqlerrcode | 16801924
message    | syntax error at or near "from"
hint       | 
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
sql        | 
           |     select x from (select 1 as x)
cursorpos  | 20
sqlerrcode | 16801924
message    | subquery in FROM must have an alias
hint       | For example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo.
-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
sql        | 
           |     /* test;test */ begin
cursorpos  | 0
sqlerrcode | 0
message    | 
hint       | 
-[ RECORD 4 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
sql        | 
           |     insert into foo2 values ('1''2','3;4')
cursorpos  | 0
sqlerrcode | 0
message    | 
hint       | 
-[ RECORD 5 ]-------------------------------------------------------------
sql        | 
           |     abort my trans
cursorpos  | 12
sqlerrcode | 16801924
message    | syntax error at or near "my"
hint       | 


  1. plpgsql syntax check?