Zoom Video SDK JWT Server

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This sample application, built using Express.js with Node.js, demonstrates how to generate a Zoom Video SDK JWT token, including string-to-number value coercion and full request schema validation.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository and cd into the project:

    cd zoom-video-sdk-auth-server

  2. Install all dependencies using your preferred package manager - npm, yarn, or pnpm:

    npm install, yarn install, or pnpm install

  3. Rename .env.example to .env, edit the file contents to include your Zoom Video SDK key and secret, save the file contents, and close the file.

  4. Run the development server:

    npm run start, yarn start, or pnpm start


As this project is written in TypeScript, when you're deploying you may need bundle the code from .ts to .js before execution. In order to do this, execute npm run bundle, yarn build, or pnpm build to build and bundle all source files. Once complete, all .js files will be present within the dist/ directory.


This server only implements one POST route: http://{server}:{port}/, and observes the following JSON schema.

Property Type Required? Validation Rule(s)
roleType number or string Yes - Required
- Must be of type number or coercible to type number
- Must equal 0 or 1
topic string Yes - Required
- Value length be fewer than 200 characters
expirationMinutes number or string Yes - Required
- Must be between 30 and 2880 minutes
userIdentity string No - Must be fewer than 35 characters
sessionKey string No - Must be fewer than 36 characters
geoRegions string or string[] No - Must be a comma-separated string with valid Zoom geo regions, or a string array with valid Zoom geo regions
cloudRecordingOption number or string No - Must be of type number or coercible to type number
- Must equal 0 or 1
cloudRecordingElection number or string No - Must be of type number or coercible to type number
- Must equal 0 or 1
telemetryTrackingId string No N/A

† When providing a value that is identified a "coercible," the JSON value must be of type number, or if string is provided, it must be coercible/parsable into type number via parseInt(). An error is thrown if value provided is not parsable to type number.

Example Request

HTTP/1.1 POST http://localhost:4000/

  "roleType": 0,
  "topic": "My Session Topic",
  "expirationMinutes": 30


  "_payload": {
    "app_key": "ZOOM_SDK_KEY",
    "role_type": 0,
    "tpc": "My Session Topic",
    "version": 1
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBfa2V5IjoiWk9PTV9TREtfS0VZIiwicm9sZV90eXBlIjowLCJ0cGMiOiJNeSBTZXNzaW9uIFRvcGljIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNTI1OTU2LCJleHAiOjE3MDI1Mjc3NTZ9.MAdq_eztvnQDQCbq35e9x7tzvQagDDG3X1doMD7bkRc"

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