
Netflix API wrapper for python

Primary LanguagePython

pyflix readme

This is a branch of [pyflix] (http://code.google.com/p/pyflix/) that's goal is to make the python API easer to work with. The goal is to take pure json output and instead output formats that make sense with the data that is being requested.

This is a work in progress. Currently the User, Title, and Person objects have gotten the most work, along with the at_home queue.

for now here are some examples of how my interface works once you have an authenticated user.


As I'm not exactly the best python programmer, I'm sure there will be bugs and suggestions. Please fork and help out if you are able. If you found something you aren't sure how to fix or have feature suggestions, please be feel to visit [lighthouse] (http://chrisdrackett.lighthouseapp.com/projects/29770-pyflix) and open a ticket.


make sure you have [simplejson] (https://svn.red-bean.com/bob/simplejson/tags/simplejson-1.3/docs/index.html) installed (if you are using django, like I am, you have simplejson already!)

just make sure netflix.py is on your python path.


from netflix import *

APP_NAME   = '<your app name>'
API_KEY    = '<your key>'
API_SECRET = '<your secret>'
CALLBACK   = '<your callback url>'
verbose    = False

    'request': {
        'key': '<request key>',
        'secret': '<request secret>'
    'access': {
            'key': '<access key>',
            'secret': '<access secret>'

netflix = NetflixClient(APP_NAME, API_KEY, API_SECRET, CALLBACK, verbose)

netflix.user = NetflixUser(EXAMPLE_USER, netflix)

example usage

### we can get info on our current user:

>> netflix.user.name
u'Chris Drackett'

>> netflix.user.preferred_formats
[u'Blu-ray', u'DVD']

>> netflix.user.can_instant_watch

### what discs they currently have at home:

>> movie = netflix.user.at_home()[1]

### information about a movie:

>> movie.title

>> movie.length

>> movie.mpaa_rating

>> movie.formats()
[{'format': u'DVD', 'release_date': datetime.datetime(2008, 4, 21, 19, 0)},
{'format': u'Blu-ray', 'release_date': datetime.datetime(2008, 6, 2, 19, 0)}]

>> movie.release_year

### information about a person (in this case the director):

>> movie.directors()[0].name
u'Matt Reeves'

### information about a person's filmography:

>> movie.directors()[0].filmography()[0].title

>> movie.directors()[0].filmography()[0].title
u'28 Weeks Later'

### information about a movies cast:

>> movie.cast()[0].name
u'Mike Vogel'

### see if the movie is part of a set (this one is not):

>> movie.disc_number

### lets find one that is:

>> movie = netflix.user.at_home()[2]

>> movie.title
u'Gilmore Girls: Season 5'

### lets find one that is:

>> movie.disc_number

### thats all for now!