

You need to pass 5 milestones. Each one is worth 2 points, so that should be 10 points altogether that can go towards your final mark. For your milestones, you want to might have:

  1. Your form from week 3.
  • Document yourself on the Scrum workflow.
  • Methodology could be:
    • Extreme Programming,
    • Kanban,
    • Scrum...
  1. Your git repository:
  2. Some early design (perhaps on paper, electronically, or with Figma).
  3. A tool to manage your project online:

You can change your app idea later on! Document it!

On a weekly basis

We regularly want to take a snapshot in time of the project in the course of completion. Git does that for the code. You could populate your report with:

  • Screenshots of your Trello board,
  • Screenshots of your designs.

If you go with sprints, do that for every sprint. That could be one for every milestone, and your sprints are now about one week long if you started during week 5.


Don't forget that you want to submit the following:

  1. Your code (not your APK file)
  2. Your document (with considerations given to ethical issues).
  3. Your presentation slides.
  4. Optionally (but strongly advised) a video demonstrating the app.
  5. Any additional evidence of agile being used (screenshots from your Trello), design pictures, burndown charts, UML diagrams...

Additionally, please include the link to your git repository.