An Example of Confluence Kafka Producer using .NET Core

Wanna build a .NET Core Kafka Consumer example? See my repo at

Stack of sample

Option Description Default Port in docker-file
.NET Core .NET Core Version 3.1 http://localhost:8082
Kafka Host (set to go in docker compose file) From Docker Hub http://localhost:9092
Zookeeper (set to go in docker compose file) From Dcoker Hub 2181

Steps to run in your machine

1. Clone the repository and run the following commands:

dotnet restore
dotnet build

2. Build the image of your API:

Where "netcorekafkaproducer" is an example of name choosed for one image

docker build --no-cache -t netcorekafkaproducer .     

3. Run the "docker-file":

If you change the name of image, change the value of image in docker-compose file to mantaint it consistent. Then, in the directory where the docker-file is, run

docker-compose up       

4. Try list your Kafka topics:

To do this, run in your terminal (in this case, running in Ubuntu 20.04) --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list       

Result 1

5. Prepare one console consumer

To do this, run in your terminal (in this case, running in Ubuntu 20.04) --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic kafka-topic --property print.key=true --property key.separator=:     

The last two parameters is for show the key of message in terminal and the second to use ":" for separate the key and message.

Example: key_value : message_value

6. Send some requests in .NET Core Web API

Suggestions to send beautiful examples? Use brazilians classic cars :)

  "model": "Opala",
  "year": "1987"
  "model": "Gol GTS",
  "year": "1989"

And others... :)

This result is like this.

Result 2

7. See the messages in your consumer

Result 3

Wanna build a .NET Core Kafka Consumer example? See my repo at
