sequence as of Oct 1

  • 17s Empty Grassy Field, Wind Blowing, Highlight Fireflies, Moon
  • 30s Beats enter, Buildings poppin' up but without detail
  • 30s Grassy field, Tree starts growing
  • 30s Buildings, detail starts popping in, camera crawls up buildings, zooming on detail
  • 30s Blossoms growing and falling
  • 20s Back to city -- explosion and camera shake?
  • 10s Credits (music keeps going)

rideout queue

  • submerge the building "seeds"
  • land the windows branch
  • split the CityGrow shot in two
  • Use the swanky new music API
  • add viewing angle to the hand-coded "script" to prevent blocked views
  • add building details: inset windows, antenna, roof extensions
  • SSAO
  • Perturb rows in GridCity
  • Pop in buildings in GridCity from center out (tendrils?) -- use hihats for fast popping!
  • Detail per the reference image
  • PUNT unify the two cities in some way
  • PUNT halfway into CityGrow, pull back the camera and start popping buildings once per beat
  • transform-feedback curl noise for sand
  • laser beams for city explosions
  • credits
  • make the blank terrain more interesting
  • city layout

cowles queue

  • music API
  • finish leaf shading
  • finish leaf lighting (done for now, might need to revisit)
  • make grass blow in the wind (done for now, need to revisit)
  • make leaves fall and float in wind
  • split GrassIntro into 3 shots
  • make fireflies blink
  • growth camera work
  • leaf keep-alive movement
  • move fireflies to music or flocking
  • moon + moon effect
  • screen space effects (bloom, color separation, fake dof)
  • city sky
  • tree bark shading
  • horizontal vine effect / floral flourish
  • credits
  • linux & mac fullscreen mode switch
  • statically link SDL & SDL_mixer


  1. Go to lib/jsoncpp and run ./

  2. Go to lib/tetgen and run "make tetlib"

  3. Setup SDL

For OSX:

Copy SDL.framework and SDL_mixer.framework into /Library/Frameworks

For Linux:

sudo yum install SDL_mixer-devel





Cherry Blossom / Grass / Country / moon:

Cherry Tree Structure:

Misc. Tree Art:




Possible Sound + Music Stuff