An application that scrapes articles from the website of NPR and allows you to leave notes.
Link to the site:
In this application I created a web application that uses MongoDB to scrape the NPR website. I used MongoDB as the database to store the articles being scraped from NPR's site. Below are images of the database through an application called Robo 3T.
- Prerequisite: If you haven't done so yet, create an account on Heroku.
- Create a web app on Heroku named npr-scraper-(your initials)
- Once the app is created, it will go to the Deploy tab where you can connect to your GitHub and use the forked app.
- I recommend a manual deploy from your master branch. You will then click deploy. You should receive a message stating "build succeeded"
- Go to your overview and click on "config add ons".
- Add mLabs to your configuration.
- 👾 NPM packages:
- express
- mongoose
- cheerio
- axios
- dotenv
- 👾 Robo 3T
- 👾 jQuery
- 👾 JavaScript
- 👾 HTML
- 👾 CSS
- 👾 Bootstrap
- 👾 Bootswatch
- 💻 Assistance with declaring defaults in schema MongooseJS
- 💻 Help with removing all documents from a collection with Mongoose
- 💻 For news articles on official NPR site
- 💻 For jQuery data attribute
- 💻 Connecting Mongo DB through the terminal