
Copies resource records from one AWS account to another.

Primary LanguageGo

route53copy, copies resource records between two AWS Route53 accounts

route53copy copies resource records from one AWS account to another (or inside the same account). It creates a ChangeResourceRecordSet with UPSERT for all ResourceRecords of the source account and sends it to the destination account.

The top-level SOA and NS are not included in the change set since they should already exist in the destination account.

The destination domain must already exist in the destination account and AWS Named Profiles must be configured for both the source account and the destination account.


Homebrew Installation on OS X

$ brew tap andersjanmyr/tap
$ brew install route53

route53copy is a single binary. Install it by right-clicking and Save as... or with curl.



# OS X
$ curl -L https://github.com/andersjanmyr/route53copy/releases/download/v1.1.1/route53copy-osx \
  > /usr/local/bin/route53copy

# Linux
$ curl -L https://github.com/andersjanmyr/route53copy/releases/download/v1.1.1/route53copy-linux \
  > /usr/local/bin/route53copy

# Make executable
$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/route53copy


$ route53copy --help

route53copy [options] <source_profile> <dest_profile> <srcDomain> [destDomain]
        Don't make any changes
  -exclude value
        Comma separated list of DNS entries types of the base domain to be ignored. If not set SOA and NS will be excluded.
        Show help text
  -hosted-zones string
        Comma separated lsit of hosted-zones for accounts with access limmited to specific hosted zones
        Show change list
        Show version

$ route53copy -exclude "SOA,NS,MX" aws_profile1 aws_profile2 example.com foobar.com
Skipping example.com. NS
Skipping example.com. SOA
Skipping example.com. MX
Number of Records:  55
52 records in 'example.com' are copied from aws_profile1-dev to aws_profile2
  Comment: "Importing ALL records from aws_profile",
  Id: "/change/C3QI8LAP4H5G9",
  Status: "PENDING",
  SubmittedAt: 2015-09-25 08:47:19.908 +0000 UTC

Release Notes

A list of changes are in the RELEASE_NOTES.