
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Some attempts to do photogrammetry to a picture of "The Love of Two Oranges" I found in an article about it, a sculpture by Clark Winter, located on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University outside of Wean Hall for many years.

papercraft model

blender rendering


  • src/lib.ts: a stub of a pdf-generation library I was using elsewhere, just the type Point

  • src/sage-computation.py: some code meant to be used in sagecell

  • src/make_template.ts: make a papercraft template

  • src/node-computation.ts: sort of a port of sage-computation to typescript

  • src/make_usda.ts: generate an ascii USD file suitable for import into blender

  • src/sage-computation2.py

  • src/vutil.ts

  • dist/cheeto.blend: a blender file with some manually added materials and a light source

  • dist/cheeto.usda: ascii USD file

  • dist/cheeto.html: html papercraft template suitable for printing

  • dist/cheeto.pdf: pdf papercraft template suitable for printing


npm i
make watch
# in another shell:
node out/make_usda.js # produces /tmp/cheeto.usda, suitable for import into 3d modelling software
node out/make_template.js # produces /tmp/cheeto.html, suitable for printing