Extracted Merlin Assembler Sources

I was curious about what assemblers historically existed for the Apple //. I found this webpage which linked to a file named VALIDATE.PO.

I guessed that it was a ProDOS formatted disk, so headed over to this online Apple // emulator, put a copy of ProDOS_2_4_2.dsk that I found in this archive in Disk Drive 1, put VALIDATE.PO in Disk Drive 2, selected BASIC.SYSTEM and typed CAT,D2 (meaning: "list file catalog, drive 2") and saw a bunch of .S files. Only later did I realize that I didn't actually have to go into the BASIC prompt, and could have just hit the 6 key to toggle over to Slot 6 Disk 2, instead of the default Slot 6, Disk 1.

The next task was to try to actually extract the files. I tried dskalyzer to but couldn't quite succeed at using it after go build. I did subsequently succeed at using Apple Commander, and wrote a little perl script to extract all of the files since I couldn't find documentation for bulk extraction.

The extracted files are in the directory validate. Looking at the instructions in READMEFIRST, I seem to need to be running an emulator such as AppleWin that supports hard drives, in order to actually run MERLIN.SYSTEM. If I try to do so from the javascript emulator implementation, I get an error message "Unsupported Configuration".