HTTP Movies


  • Fork this repository, then clone your fork.
  • Run npm install to download dependencies.
  • Run the server using npm start.
  • In a separate terminal cd into the client folder and run npm install to download dependencies.
  • Still inside the client folder run npm start to run the client application.

Part 1 - Updating A Movie:

  • Add a route at the path /update-movie/:id
  • Create a component with a form to update the chosen movie
  • Add a button in the movie component that routes you to your new route with the movies's id as the URL param
  • The form should make a PUT request to the server when submitted
  • When the call comes back successfully, reset your form state and route the user to /movies where they will see the updated movie in the list
  • (Editing the movie stars can be a stretch problem... don't worry about it now. Move on to the next step, and come back and solve this at the end)

Movie object format:

  id: 5,
  title: 'Tombstone',
  director: 'George P. Cosmatos',
  metascore: 89,
  stars: ['Kurt Russell', 'Bill Paxton', 'Sam Elliot'],

Part 2 - Deleting A Movie:

  • Add a delete button in the movie component that makes a DELETE request
  • When the call comes back successfully, route the user to /movies where they will see the updated movie list without the deleted movie

Part 3 (Stretch) - Adding A Movie:

  • Add a route at the path /add-movie
  • Create a component with a form to add a new movie
  • Each created movie should have the following format (notice the array of strings - this will test your JS skills, so work through it methodically)
  • The form should make a POST request to the server when submitted
  • When the call comes back successfully, reset your form state and route the user to /movies

Movie object format:

  id: 5,
  title: 'Tombstone',
  director: 'George P. Cosmatos',
  metascore: 89,
  stars: ['Kurt Russell', 'Bill Paxton', 'Sam Elliot'],

Stretch Problem

  • Add the ability to update the stars of a movie within a single text input field (think about how to change from an array of strings to a single string, then back to an array of strings)
  • See Part 3 above (Adding movies with a POST request)
  • Style the app!