- 2
Return error when evaluating a submission that contains a file with the same name as an execution file
#158 opened by FeldrinH - 1
Compatibility Moodle 4.5 ?
#198 opened by wat973 - 0
Large compilation reports causes the browser to hang in "Submission view" page
#197 opened by jcrodriguez-dis - 6
Java similarity detection reports `100|100|100` for completely different submissions
#159 opened by FeldrinH - 8
Wrong settings if Trainer/Teacher AND Student.
#187 opened by OZimmermann - 0
- 5
Pre-evaluate craches but evaluate works
#173 opened by alexandreMesle - 0
[Difficult] Language Server Support
#195 opened by tats-u - 1
Formatting of comments broken in Submission view
#177 opened by FeldrinH - 4
More info about security vulnerability
#194 opened by FeldrinH - 1
Unable to delete student submission
#193 opened by nadavkav - 3
'Evaluate All' sometimes skips submissions
#192 opened by FeldrinH - 2
Evaluation error
#190 opened by bocanetcorneliu - 1
- 0
3 GiB maximum memory listed twice
#189 opened by FeldrinH - 2
Support drag and drop for directories
#161 opened by FeldrinH - 0
Feature Request: Evaluation by Similarity
#188 opened by rafaelcp - 1
- 1
jailserver - update php to 8.1?
#182 opened by buddy1234567 - 3
Websocket fallback mechanism
#181 opened by pravn0993 - 1
- 4
Proposed Grade != Gradebook Grade
#178 opened by buddy1234567 - 2
vpl_evaluate.cpp file in compilation environment
#179 opened by Astor-Bizard - 1
UI Customization
#176 opened by Daniel-Klier - 4
Height of edit area
#175 opened by chysch - 3
Resizing of Output Window in Edit Mode
#174 opened by chysch - 2
Error prone parsing of proposed grade
#160 opened by jojoob - 4
Regrading by Another
#172 opened by chysch - 2
RTL in edit tab - run
#171 opened by chysch - 2
RTL in submission view
#170 opened by chysch - 1
Add test program for student
#151 opened by MickyOver - 3
4.2.3-Legacy build is not compatible with moodle 3.5 because of hrtime() function
#167 opened by sandaliero - 4
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 6
get_all_user_name_fields() is deprecated. Please use the \core_user\fields API instead
#152 opened by vahem2lu - 1
Php - Similarity does not function
#156 opened by itsguysmiley - 2
Cannot debug C programs
#155 opened by julesfm - 1
Memory consumption of submissions list view
#154 opened by jojoob - 2
- 2
XMLRPC call to jail is incorrectly encoded
#140 opened by serasset - 2 generates .router.php with syntax error
#149 opened by breeze833 - 1
Problematic handling of comments
#150 opened by nikosdimitrakas - 2
Menu Bar: Execution buttons work only once
#148 opened by derkarl - 2
C# (Csharp) nunit-console: command not found
#147 opened by nadavkav - 2
Moodle 4.1 Support
#143 opened by acquaalta - 1
not edit module id
#146 opened by linhdz15 - 0
VHDL support doesn't work at using GVHDL tool
#141 opened by lassip-utfpr - 2
Emoji in text are malformed
#139 opened by FeldrinH