
A poor man's Prismatic

Primary LanguageClojure


Demo app for Jim Crossley's "Immutant, I am in you!" talk at Clojure/conj 2012, the slides for which are in the doc folder.

The talk featured Datomic as the application's persistent store, the code for which is on the 'datomic' branch. The 'master' branch uses korma/lobos to facilitate deployment on OpenShift.

To make it work, you'll need a file named twitter-creds available from the classpath, e.g. in the resources/ directory. It should contain a vector like so:

["app-key" "app-secret" "user-token" "user-token-secret"]

Visit http://dev.twitter.com to find yours.



Copyright © 2013 Jim Crossley

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.