Device Mesh for Health Check
DMHC is a mesh of devices, each one with a Heart rate, Oxygen saturation SpO2 and Temperature, (HOST) probe to capture values.
The probe using AWS IoT EduKit and some units sensores.
The project description could be found at
- The main program build using UIFlow v1.8.4
- Micropython source code for main program
- UIFlow program for set a device_id in AWS IoT Edukit EEprom memory
- Micropython source code for setDeviceId.m5f
/images folder
- Have all png images files resources.
- Need to be upload to AWS IoT Edukit using M5Burner
/wav folder
- Have all wav sound files resources.
- Need to be upload too to AWS IoT EduKit
/mp3 folder
- Have source mp3 sound files created using Amazon Polly.
- They were converted to wav files using Online Converter.
- Need to be upload too to AWS IoT EduKit
- Cad lego file, with all step instructions for base construction
- All lego base construction instructions in pdf format
- Lambda function in Node.Js used to create in json message received a timestamp field server_time before put it in AWS IoT Analytics data store
- Lambda function in Node.Js used to reset device and send Slack and SMS notification to AWS SNS topic