
A simple tutorial on web3.js for the Blockchain elective course (CO4118T)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple DApp to add and verify student records on the ethereum blockchain
The contract deployer can add student records (Student ID, CPI)
Anyone can verify the added records


  • Ganache
  • Metamask (browser extension)
  • live-server (npm install -g live-server)


  • Run ganache
  • Compile the contract on remix using the byzantium compiler version
  • For deployment select Web3provider in Environment as http://localhost:7545
  • Paste the deployed contract address in app.js as the contract address
  • In Metamask for wallet seed, enter the mnemonic that is displayed in Ganache
  • In Metamask save a custom RPC network as
  • run live-server in the root folder


For an extended version using web3.py, see CertiChain