Kodo Kojo allows you to get a full out-of-the-box software factory.
If you don't want to spend your time setting up a software factory, its monitoring tools, adding and removing users on each component of your software factories; then Kodo Kojo is made for you.
Kodo Kojo uses the power of Apache Mesos and Marathon via Docker to orchestrate and isolate your software factory tools.
Kodo Kojo
is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.
git clone git@github.com:kodokojo/kodokojo.git
cd kodokojo
Go to our Quickstart page for more details.
- Gitlab 8.5
- Jenkins now in version 1.651-2-alpine. See Issue #7 to get more details on Jenkins 2.
- Nexus OSS 2.13.0-01
Want to contribute? That's great! Feel free to read our Contribution page to know our guidelines.
You may find help on our Gitter channel if needed. Don't be afraid to ask.
The following diagram describes how Kodo Kojo and its components will be deployed:
HA Proxy will be managed by kodokojo-haproxy-marathon which is registered on the Marathon event bus. This will allow the HA Proxy configuration to be updated when a Marathon state changes.
- Add (UI)/ Remove(UI and Back) User on all brickConfiguration of software factory.
- Upgrade version of Gitlab to the latest and test Gitlab Docker registry. Issue #2
- Upgrade version og Jenkins to 2.x. Issue #7
- Improve Howto test on your laptop documentations
- Provide Vagrantfile to Quickstart use case of Kodo Kojo (Multi Vms, etc...)
- Opensource our Terraform/Ansible playbook to setup Kodo Kojo on AWS
- Add persistence support using GlusterFs.
- Add log centralization using Rsyslog, Kafka, Elastic Search and Kibana (this is a very small story).
Stay tuned by following us on:
- Our Website http://kodokojo.io
- Twitter : @kodokojo
- Gitter : Gitter
We use the following tests tools:
Thanks to all those Open source projects which made such a project possible!