Macrocosm: Life Sci Hack 2019

One of the biggest threats of our highly connected and urbanized century is a global pandemic. Even in less cataclysmic scenarios, the characteristic density and connection of our societies exacerbates the spread of infectious agents. For a 21st century problem we need a 21st century approach: using our connectedness and the power of big data to prevent the spread of epidemics. In Macrocosm, we are developing a predictive tool for the general population and pandemic/disease outbreak research communities. In turn, the aggregated data from the user queries is then provided to hospitals who can prepare in case of an outbreak and offer better care to the general population.


  • MongoDB for the database to house geolocation information and search queries (Model)
  • Leaflet.js to provide heat mapping for search queries based on geolocation point
  • APIMedic to provide information on corellation between symptoms and diagnoses
  • Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap (View)
  • Node Express for HTML Routes and serving pages
  • Mongoose ORM for creating Mongo API routes (Controller)


Macrocosm is created and developed by David Ho, James Tobey, Miguel Iglesias, and Ravithej Chikkala.