Off the Chain: Helping you reconnect with your lost beloved furry friends. This application will let you post notices showing where you may have lost your pet, or allow you to post if you have found a companion who happened to lose their way. Using map data as well as pins, you can drop last known locations of your pet, or drop where pets were found allowing you to easily see where they were found.
MVP: WE need to have a map that constantly updates as the database changes with lost, or found pets as well as deletes them from the map and database as the pet is claimed or returned to its owner. We need an input form that validates input as proper for it's type, converting the lat/long into an address for the map. Seperate tables for lost pets and found pets
Sprint-1: Functional post and get request, route allowing functional posts to found pets showing on map, functional posts to lost pets showing on map, have table under map with data from posts Sprint-2: Have table updated with more and filterable with searech function, Matches to lost and found pets
We are using Leaflet library for our map data as well as icons, atx.gov open data for lost pets, AJAX request to convert lat/long to an address, and a MySQL to log pets that are lost and found, with this log being updated on the map, tabulate for further table expandability
Mark: Theme and front end things. Ritika and James have started on the database end.
Coding is fun and stuff yadayada
Blah Blah