
Batch downloader for polyhaven.com. Download 'HDRIs, Textures and Models' in any sizes with preview images from Poly Haven.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release (latest by date) PyPI

Batch downloader for polyhaven.com. Download hdris, textures and models in any sizes you want. This project uses Poly Haven's Public API.


pip install polydown

How to Use

$ polydown hdris

# download all available sizes of all hdris into current folder.
> 🔗(polyhaven.com/hdris['all sizes'])=>🏠
$ polydown <asset_type>

# download all assets of this asset type to the current folder in all available sizes.
# asset types: "hdris", "textures", "models".
$ polydown textures -c

# list of category in the given asset type.
$ polydown hdris -f hdris_down -s 2k 4k

# download all hdris with given sizes into "hdris_down" folder.
# /if there is no such folder it will create it./
> 🔗(polyhaven.com/hdris['2k', '4k'])=>🏠(hdris_down)

Example Usage

$ polydown models -c decorative -f folder -s 1k

# download all "models" with "1k textures" in the "decorative" category into the "folder".


file structure


<asset_type>      "hdris, textures, models"
-h, --help        show this help message and exit
-f, --folder      target download folder.
-c, --category    category to download.
-s, --sizes       size(s) of downloaded asset files. eg: 1k 2k 4k
-o, --overwrite   overwrite if the files already exists. otherwise the current task will be skipped.
-no, --noimgs     do not download 'preview, render, thumbnail...' images.
-it, --iters      amount of iterations.
-t, --tone        Download 8K Tonemapped JPG (only HDRIs).
-v, --version     show program's version number and exit


  • Unit Tests
  • Progressbar for current download task(s)
  • Select the file format to download
  • Download a specific asset, "polydown hdris stuttgart_suburbs"


  • Python>3.7

