Truffle + Node + Docker === Requirements
Create a docker settings file:
mkdir -p ~/.docker
vim ~/.docker/config.json
Then add information about your proxy server, if needed:
"httpProxy": "",
"httpsProxy": "",
"noProxy": "*.test.example.com,.example2.com"
Building the image
To build the image, use:
docker build -t <username>/truffle-base:<version> .
Publishing on Dockerhub
If you are using Linux, before you can log in to dockerhub you will need to install two dependencies in your development environment:
sudo apt install gnupg2 pass
Now just log in:
docker login --username=<username>
Before publishing it is possible to change the tag of the image, being able to change the name or version:
docker tag <container_id> <username>/truffle-base:<version>
And finally, use the push command to send the image to dockerhub:
docker push <username>/truffle-base