
Updated supervisor RPM for CentOS/RHEL

Primary LanguageShell

Supervisor RPM compliation

Supervisor is an awesome process control system. This repository contains the scripts and RPM spec required to build RPMs.

This is powered by Vagrant to quickly spin up a CentOS VM and compile the RPMs, destroy it afterwards. If you're not so inclined to use Vagrant, then you can use the build-supervisor.sh script directly on your own RHEL or CentOS VM.

This has been tested with CentOS 6.5.


  1. Ensure Vagrant is installed. This was tested with Vagrant 1.4.2 and VirtualBox 4.3.10.

  2. Run this:

    git clone https://github.com/jcu-eresearch/supervisor-rpm.git
    cd supervisor-rpm
    vagrant up; vagrant destroy -f
    ls -lah ./RPMS/noarch
  3. Look at the result of the final command and marvel at the RPMs.


If you’re just looking to download something that works and don’t want to rebuild things yourself, we have the packages available in a Yum repo at https://www.hpc.jcu.edu.au/rpm/. You’ll need to trust our RPM building skills, though.