
Clean Architecture - AWS - Nodejs- React- Next JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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This small project implements some of the best practices for developing REST APIs, such as:

Note: Some points are just recommendations for scaling and were not implemented here because of the time available. those are going to be marked with * or as a Note

Services Architecture

ECS deployment final


This project runs on docker and docker-compose locally. We need some environment variables which will be placed in .env for backend folder and .env.local for frontend, you can find those in each folder.

How to run

Build Image

docker-compose build

Run Containers frontend, backend, db

docker-compose up

Setup database

After docker services are running cd ./backend && npm run db:reset this will create database and run all migrations and seeds

Runing Migration

npm run db:migrate

Runing Migration

npm run db:seeds

Runing Test

npm run test

Postman Test

  • Pick calculator-api.postman_collection.json and import it in Postman


  • Fronted: React (using server side rendering with Next.js), tailwind, axios, Typescript
  • Backend: Typescript, Express, jsonwebtoken, sequelize, morgan

Clean Architecture

  • The project already has a simple architecture and folder organization based on Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Design application, domain, and infrastructure. All use cases and business logic are under domain\services and domain\models where other code like application and infrastructure could be replaced as dependencies if it's needed since using Dependency injection to inject repository to services and services to application controllers.

  • Dependency Injection

  • Factory Method


  • In order to deploy this to AWS the project is using a GitHub Actions workflow that builds a docker image and pushes it to ECR and later is deployed to ECS using a task definition service .github/workflows/aws-deploy, since the frontend use case is using NextJs, the deploy is being executed with Vercel Deployments.

  • Workflow action for build and test on PR


  • The backend API is secured by JWT token, each time a user sign-in/sign-up a token is returned which should be sent back in the request Authorization header in order to access API resources.

  • The frontend App sends a Authorization: Bearer jwt-token on each request. Relay on Next in order to secure the token on each request. Creating a signed and encrypted cookie with 32 length password under next/api which hold the jwt-token using iron-session.

Note Integrate with SonarQube and OWASP dependency check


  • Unit Testing for services and repository

  • Also a simple Postman collection file is added to the project.

Note Cypress E2E testing React Testing library for testing React comppmemt

Note *Define test coverage at least 75%


  • implementation handles testing using integration testing making sure the server responds with the correct HTTP code and data using supertest and inmemory postgres data base. Create a stub database for testing in order to have a separate environment

Error Handler.

  • For this case I wrote a simple error handler system based on classes domain/entities/errors and relaying on express express-async-errors so that I can throw errors direct from controller, repositories or services using async/await when is needed

  • CustomError abstract class used as a template for mapping error object structure response


Input Validation

  • To validate input data to route controllers, a validator middleware was added relaying on express validator to validate body payload.

  • Having a validator in infrastructure, so it could be reusable by multiple controllers if needed.


I consider resiliency API an important topic since production API should be ready and online but we have to make sure for this simple case to create a separate endpoint to check the health and return 200 if API is up and running.

  • /health endpoint in order to check when API is available which is used by the AWS cluster service health check.



  • For this example, we use Morgan for service http logs and console.log for server errors and returning a friendly message for the client user.


  • We could update the implementation with something more robust like Winston with AWS Cloud Watch Integration

Code Reusability

  • Some utilities used throughout the project are placed on shared locations so it would be accessible by another part of the API in the case is needed under the infrastructure folder


  • As for how to use the API, I added a Postman collection file with the API's use cases so the user can get familiar with how to request and what the endpoints are expecting.

Genaral Notes

  • Agragate Swagger API Documentations
  • Storybooks for React component documentations
  • In order to improve operation transactions could be added SQL transactions. so if any issue happens in the process of debit/credit we could easily rollback