
My SublimeText settings and my attempt not lose them + provide portability

These go in: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User

  1. Install Sublime Text (2)
  2. Delete the User folder in the above location
  3. git clone User
  4. Load sublime back up and it freaks out. Close and reload until it stops

I have no idea why #4 above is the case, but eventually it does work after a minute or so, which means I haven't had enough of a problem with it it look into it further ;)

Current Packages

I'll add links to these once I feel like not being lazy

  • Additional PHP Snippets
  • Alignment
  • All Autocomplete
  • Auto Semi-Colon
  • Bracketeer
  • Clipboard History
  • Color Highlighter
  • Color Schemes by carlcalderon
  • DocBlockr
  • Emmet
  • Gist
  • Git
  • Goto Documentation
  • INI
  • jQuery
  • jQuery Snippets pack
  • Markdown Preview
  • Package Control
  • Phix Color Scheme
  • PHPUnit
  • Placeholders
  • Schemr
  • SideBarEnhancements
  • Solarized Color Scheme
  • SublimeCodeIntel
  • "SublimeLinter
  • Tag
  • Theme - Soda
  • Tomorrow Color Scheme

Packages I Need to Checkout

  • Xdebug