
vim plugin to run PHPUnit tests

Primary LanguageVim Script

Vim Plugin PHPUnit

this plugin allows you run tests directly from vim


just copy 'phpunit.vim' to your '$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/php/' directry

or install through Makefile

$ make install


There are defined three commands

:PhpUnit [path]

run phpunit with path. Path is not manadatory. If Path is not defined it vim-phpunit use <g:phpunit_tests> variable


Open testfile for current file. Name of testfile is taken from curent path in following way: <g:phpunit_testroot>//Test.php and vice versa for testing file (if you are on test file, it will open source file complementary to testfile)

version 0.1 doesn't care about path existence - it's your responsibility (maybe in next version)


run phpunit for current file. There is heuristic like :PhpUnitSwitchFile eg.

[file] dir/file.php => [test] <g:phpunit_testroot>/dir/fileTest
[file] <g:phpunit_testroot>/dir/fileTest => [test] <g:phpunit_testroot>/dir/fileTest


configure your phpunit plugin in your .vimrc file:

let g:phpunit_testroot = 'tests'
let g:phpunit_tests = g:phpunit_testroot
let g:phpunit_params = '--stop-on-failure'
let g:phpunit_highlights = 1