
🕊️ Convert javaScript code to be runtime agnostic

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


unenv is a framework-agnostic system that allows converting JavaScript code to be platform agnostic and work in any environment including Browsers, Workers, Node.js, or JavaScript runtime.


# Using npm
npm i -D unenv

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev unenv

# Using pnpm
pnpm add -D unenv


Using env utility and built-in presets, unenv will provide an abstract configuration that can be used in building pipelines (rollup.js, webpack, etc.).

import { env } from "unenv";

const { alias, inject, polyfill, external } = env({}, {}, {});

Note: You can provide as many presets as you want. unenv will merge them internally and the right-most preset has a higher priority.



(view source)

Suitable to convert universal libraries working in Node.js.

  • Add supports for global fetch API
  • Set Node.js built-ins as externals
import { env, node } from "unenv";

const envConfig = env(node, {});


(view source)

Suitable to transform libraries made for Node.js to run in other JavaScript runtimes.

import { env, nodeless } from "unenv";

const envConfig = env(nodeless, {});


(view source)

This preset can be used to extend nodeless to use Deno's Node.js API Compatibility (docs, docs).


This preset is experimental and behavior might change!

import { env, nodeless, deno } from "unenv";

const envConfig = env(nodeless, deno, {});


(view source)

This preset can be used to extend nodeless to use Cloudflare Worker Node.js API Compatibility (docs).


This preset is experimental and behavior might change!


Make sure to enable nodejs_compat compatibility flag.

import { env, nodeless, cloudflare } from "unenv";

const envConfig = env(nodeless, cloudflare, {});


This preset can be used to extend nodeless to use Vercel Edge Node.js API Compatibility (docs).


This preset is experimental and behavior might change!

import { env, nodeless, vercel } from "unenv";

const envConfig = env(nodeless, vercel, {});

Built-in Node.js modules

unenv provides a replacement for all Node.js built-ins for cross-platform compatibility.

Module Status Source
node:assert Mocked -
node:async_hooks Polyfilled unenv/node/async_hooks
node:buffer Polyfilled unenv/node/buffer
node:child_process Mocked -
node:cluster Mocked -
node:console Mocked -
node:constants Mocked -
node:crypto Polyfilled unenv/node/crypto
node:dgram Mocked -
node:diagnostics_channel Mocked -
node:dns Mocked -
node:domain Mocked -
node:events Polyfilled unenv/node/events
node:fs Polyfilled unenv/node/fs
node:fs/promises Polyfilled unenv/node/fs/promises
node:http2 Mocked -
node:http Polyfilled unenv/node/http
node:https Polyfilled unenv/node/https
node:inspector Mocked -
node:module Polyfilled unenv/node/module -
node:net Polyfilled unenv/node/net
node:os Mocked -
node:path Polyfilled unenv/node/path
node:perf_hooks Mocked -
node:process Polyfilled unenv/node/process
node:punycode Mocked -
node:querystring Mocked -
node:readline Mocked -
node:repl Mocked -
node:stream Polyfilled unenv/node/stream
node:stream/consumers Mocked unenv/node/stream/consumers
node:stream/promises Mocked unenv/node/stream/promises
node:stream/web Native unenv/node/stream/web
node:string_decoder Polyfilled unenv/node/string_decoder
node:sys Mocked -
node:timers Mocked -
node:timers/promises Mocked -
node:tls Mocked -
node:trace_events Mocked -
node:tty Mocked -
node:url Polyfilled unenv/node/url
node:util Polyfilled unenv/node/util
node:util/types Polyfilled unenv/node/util/types
node:v8 Mocked -
node:vm Mocked -
node:wasi Mocked -
node:worker_threads Mocked -
node:zlib Mocked -

npm packages

unenv provides a replacement for common npm packages for cross platform compatibility.

Package Status Source
npm/consola Use native console unenv/runtime/npm/consola
npm/cross-fetch Use native fetch unenv/runtime/npm/cross-fetch
npm/debug Mocked with console.debug unenv/runtime/npm/debug
npm/fsevents Mocked unenv/runtime/npm/fsevents
npm/inherits Inlined unenv/runtime/npm/inherits
npm/mime-db Minimized unenv/runtime/npm/mime-db
npm/mime Minimized unenv/runtime/npm/mime
npm/node-fetch Use native fetch unenv/runtime/npm/node-fetch
npm/whatwg-url Use native URL unenv/runtime/npm/whatwg-url

Auto-mocking proxy

import MockProxy from "unenv/runtime/mock/proxy";


The above package doesn't work outside of Node.js and neither we need any platform-specific logic! When aliasing os to mock/proxy-cjs, it will be auto-mocked using a Proxy Object which can be recursively traversed like an Object, called like a Function, Iterated like an Array, or instantiated like a Class.

We use this proxy for auto-mocking unimplemented internals. Imagine a package does this:

const os = require("node:os");
if (os.platform() === "windows") {
  /* do some fix */
module.exports =  "Hello world";

By aliasing os to unenv/runtime/mock/proxy-cjs, the code will be compatible with other platforms.

Other polyfills

To discover other polyfills, please check ./src/runtime.
