
Scraper for unclaimed cash in CA

Primary LanguagePython

#Scrapy CA Unclaimed Crawler Requires Python, MongoDB and Scrapy

####Initalize project:

scrapy startproject unclaimed

####Run the crawler:

scrapy crawl casearch -a start=3430000 -a end=3430010

####Mongo Database Commands: Use the unclaimed table

use unclaimed

Find the people with the most money owed

db.items.find().sort( { cash: -1 } ).limit(100).toArray()

Find the most recently added

db.items.find().sort( { recid: -1 } ).limit(1).toArray()

Total results


Find results in different ranges of cash owed

db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 50000} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 5000, $lt: 50000} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 500, $lt: 5000} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 100, $lt: 500} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 50, $lt: 100} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gte: 5, $lt: 50} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: {$gt: 0, $lt: 5} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()
db.items.find({ cash: 0 }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()

Find people not owed any cash (typically owed bonds or some other non-cash property)

db.items.find({ cash: {$exists: false} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).count()

Find the people owed the most over $50k

db.items.find({ cash: {$gt: 50000} }).sort( { cash: 1 } ).toArray()

Create a unique index

db.items.createIndex( { recid: 1 }, { unique: true } )

Export collection to csv

mongoexport -h localhost -d unclaimed -c items --csv --fields name,reportedby,cash,source,recid,address,date,type,id --out unclaimed.csv

Find the total amount in a range

db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 50000} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 5000, $lt: 50000} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 500, $lt: 5000} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 100, $lt: 500} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 50, $lt: 100} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gte: 5, $lt: 50} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });
db.items.aggregate({ $match: { cash: {$gt: 0, $lt: 5} } }, { $group: { _id : null, sum : { $sum: "$cash" } } });

Duplicate a collection

db.items.aggregate([ { $out: "items2" } ]);
db.items.aggregate([ { $out: "items3" } ]);

Cast recid to int

db.items3.find().forEach(function(data) {
    db.items3.update( { _id: data._id }, { $set: { recid: parseFloat(data.recid) } } );

typeof db.items3.find( { recid: 3427563 } )[0].recid