Code of Conduct
This project has adopted this code of conduct.
For each merge to the branch master
a preview release will be
deployed to PowerShell Gallery.
Periodically a release version tag will be pushed which will deploy a
full release to PowerShell Gallery.
Please check out common DSC Community contributing guidelines.
Change log
A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.
The StorageDsc module contains the following resources:
- MountImage: used to mount or unmount an ISO/VHD disk image. It can be mounted as read-only (ISO, VHD, VHDx) or read/write (VHD, VHDx).
- Disk: used to initialize, format and mount the partition as a drive letter.
- DiskAccessPath: used to initialize, format and mount the partition to a folder access path.
- OpticalDiskDriveLetter: used to change the drive letter of an optical disk drive (e.g. a CDROM or DVD drive). This resource ignores mounted ISOs.
- WaitForDisk wait for a disk to become available.
- WaitForVolume wait for a drive to be mounted and become available.
This project has adopted this code of conduct.
Documentation and Examples
For a full list of resources in StorageDsc and examples on their use, check out the StorageDsc wiki.