Repository for: A market for 30x30 in the ocean

By: Juan Carlos Villaseñor-Derbez, Christopher Costello & Andrew Plantinga


Please note this repository contains multiple branches.


The project was built using R in RStudio. All data and code needed to reproduce figures and tables in our paper is included in this repository. There are two ways you can interact with our materials.

To replicate our main results:

If you want to replicate everything (supplementary figures and tables, robustness tests, etc...):

The repository is set-up with renv package manager. You should be able to have an identical copy of the R packages used here by running renv::activate() followed by renv::restore(). Note that the .Rprofile file will attempt to source a script that loads some default options and values into the environment upon start-up (assuming you are running RStudio). Feel free to source it yourself, or remove it from the pipeline. You can then explore and run scripts independently.


  • Some raw data are available (in raw_data) when it was below GitHub's 100 MB size limit. Otherwise, the data are added with GitHub Large File Storage. If you have any trouble accessing them, we're also happy to provide these data directly. Simple e-mail me at Please indicate if you have a preferred delivery method.

  • Input data are provided in the clean_data folder.

  • Our output data (supply curves, trade equilibrium etc) are all found under results (either output_data or processed_dats).

  • There is a csv file, requested by Science, which contains the data required to produce Figure 1 of the main paper.