
Testing of Java Microservice Frameworks

MIT LicenseMIT

Java Microservices Frameworks


Applications have made a shift to cloud native deployment, often running in containers like Docker.

The goal of this repository is to demonstrate different frameworks that Java microservices may be written in (and perhaps no framework at all!). The focus will be around performance of the microservices, as well as developer experience or maintainability.

Valuable metrics for performance will be:

  • Application Size
  • Memory used to run application
  • Time to first request
  • general latency and throughput, once endpoints have been established


I will consider those frameworks that are popular or new at the time of this writing (June 2019), which may include:

  • Spring (Boot) (v2 based on SPring Boot 5)
  • Vert.x
  • Micronaut
  • Quarkus

I may also consider other frameworks and/or JVM languages such as Kotlin or Scala, however again the important consideration is performance of the applications