
🦍 Source code for docs.konghq.com website

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KONG's Documentation Website

This repository is the source code for Kong's documentation website. It is a Jekyll website hosted on GitHub pages.

Not sure where to start? Head on over to the issues tab to and look for the good first issue label. These are issues Kong has identified as beginner friendly. Many of these can be addressed through Github and do not require pulling the repository and building locally.

Develop Locally with Docker

make install-prerequisites
make develop

Running a Local Build with Docker

Install tools:

make install

Run the build:

make run

Check the build output at http://localhost:3000.

Testing Links with Docker

make check-links

Develop Locally without Docker



gem install bundler
npm install


npm start


We are using Algolia docsearch for our documentation search. The algolia index for Kong is maintained by Algolia through their docsearch service. Their scraper runs every 24 hours. The config used by the scraper is open source for docs.konghq.com and can be found here. To update the scraper config, you can submit a pull request to the config. To test a config change locally, you will need to run their open source scraper against your own scraper to test out config changes.

The Enterprise documentation uses paid algolia indices, which auto-update every 24 hours via a github action here

Generating the PDK, Admin API, CLI and Configuration Documentation

The PDK docs, Admin API docs, cli.md and configuration.md on each release are generated from the Kong source code.

In order to generate them, please switch into the Kong/kong repo and run:

scripts/autodoc <docs-folder> <kong-version>

For example:

cd /path/to/kong
scripts/autodoc ../docs.konghq.com 2.3.x

Assumes that the Kong/docs.konghq.com repo is cloned next to the Kong/kong repo, and that you want to generate the docs for Kong version 2.3.x.

Once everything is generated, review, open a branch with the changes, send a pull request, and review the changes.

You usually want to open a pr against a release/* branch. For example on the case above the branch was release/2.3.

cd docs.konghq.com
git fetch --all
git checkout release/2.3
git checkout -b release/2.3-autodocos
git add -A .
git commit -m "docs(2.3.x) add autodocs"
git push

Then open a pull request against release/2.3.

Listing Your Extension in the Kong Hub

We encourage developers to list their Kong plugins and integrations (which we refer to collectively as "extensions") in the Kong Hub with documentation hosted on the Kong website for ready access.

See CONTRIBUTING for more information.