
Unified FFI and stub code generation for Haxe native extensions

Primary LanguageHaxe


Unified FFI for native extensions for Haxe.

ammer allows Haxe code to use external native libraries (.dll, .dylib, .so) from a variety of targets without having to manually write similar but slightly different extern definitions and target-specific stub/glue code.

The platforms that are currently supported are:

Sample project

A sample project is provided with step-by-step build instructions in the samples/poc directory.


To use an existing native library, all that is required is a class definition:

class Foobar extends ammer.Library<"foobar"> {
  public static function repeat(word:String, count:Int):String;

The types used in the arguments are regular Haxe types, but keep in mind custom classes are not supported. See types below.

The functions can be called like any other static function:

class Main {
  public static function main():Void {
    trace(Foobar.repeat("hello", 3));

During compilation, the ammer haxelib must be added:

--library ammer
-D ammer.lib.foobar.include=include
-D ammer.lib.foobar.library=lib
--main Main
--hl out.hl

A variety of configuration flags can be defined, see configuration below.


Haxe employs a rich type system, but many of its features cannot be translated meaningfully into library externs, hence only a subset of basic Haxe types are supported in ammer library externs:

Haxe type C type Note
Void void Only for return types.
Bool bool (from <stdbool.h>)
Float double Double-precision (64-bit) floating-point number.
Int int 32-bit wide signed integer.
UInt unsigned int 32-bit wide unsigned integer.
String char * See String.
haxe.io.Bytes unsigned char *data + int length See Bytes.


Since Haxe 4, Strings represent a string of Unicode codepoints. Internally, different targets represent strings differently, but in ammer library definitions, strings are always understood as valid UTF-8 sequences.

Although the null byte is a valid Unicode codepoint, some Haxe targets use it to terminate strings, and C APIs in general use it as a end-of-string marker. This is why a single char * argument is sufficient to pass a string to native libraries; the null byte is used to detect the end of the string. To pass UTF-8 data which includes null bytes, haxe.io.Bytes has to be used instead.


haxe.io.Bytes values represent arbitrary binary data. In terms of C types, this can be thought of as a pointer (unsigned char *) and a corresponding length (int). Whenever a native library expects arbitrary binary data, it needs to know both of these values, passed as separate arguments. On the Haxe side, however, a single argument is sufficient. To facilitate this difference, the length argument given to the C API is marked with the type ammer.ffi.SizeOf with the name of the corresponding argument as a type parameter. In Haxe code, the marked argument is not present, as it is always based on the length of the Bytes instance.

class Foobar extends ammer.Library<"foobar"> {
  public static function validate(buf:haxe.io.Bytes, len:ammer.ffi.SizeOf<"buf">):Bool;

class Main {
  public static function main():Void {
    // note the `len` argument is not given:

If the size of a Bytes object is not passed along to the API at all, the argument type should be wrapped in ammer.ffi.NoSize:

public static function takeBuffer(buf:ammer.ffi.NoSize<haxe.io.Bytes>):Void;

When a C API returns a binary buffer, one of the arguments is typically a pointer to which the size of the buffer will be written. This can be expressed with the type ammer.ffi.SizeOfReturn. Once again, in Haxe code, this argument will not be present.

class Foobar extends ammer.Library<"foobar"> {
  public static function makeData(len:ammer.ffi.SizeOfReturn):haxe.io.Bytes;

class Main {
  public static function main():Void {
    // note the `len` argument is not given:

When a C API returns a binary buffer that is the same size as one of the arguments, the return type can be wrapped with ammer.ffi.SameSizeAs:

public static function reverseBuffer(buf:haxe.io.Bytes, len:ammer.ffi.SizeOf<"buf">):ammer.ffi.SameSizeAs<haxe.io.Bytes, "buf">;


Various defines can be specified at compile-time to configure ammer behaviour.

General configuration

ammer.msvc (optional)

When defined and the value is not no, Makefiles will be generated for use with MSVC compiler tools.

# don't use MSVC even on Windows
-D ammer.msvc=no

MSVC compilers are only used on Windows by default.

Library configuration

External libraries are declared by defining a Haxe class which extends ammer.Library<...>, with the type parameter being the identifier used for the library in the rest of the configuration.

class Foobar extends ammer.Library<"foobar"> { ... }

The identifier should only consist of letters and should be unique. Additional configuration of the library is done with compile-time defines, ideally placed in the project's hxml build file. In the following paragraph, <name> should be replaced by the library identifier.

ammer.lib.<name>.include (required)

The path to the include directory of the library, which contains the header files (.h). This path may be relative to the current working directory that haxe was invoked in.

ammer.lib.<name>.library (required)

The path to the lib directory of the library, which contains the dynamic library files (.dll, .dylib, .so). This path may be relative to the current working directory that haxe was invoked in.

ammer.lib.<name>.headers (optional)

Comma-separated list of headers that need to be included from the library.

-D ammer.lib.foobar.headers=foobar.h,foobar-support.h

The default value is <name>.h.

Target specifics


HashLink can use native libraries when given .hdll files containing the stubs, which take HashLink types and pass them onto the dynamically-loaded library. The .hdll files specify dynamic linkage and provide HashLink FFI, as understood by the HashLink interpreter/VM hl.

During compilation with ammer, the .hdll file for a native library needs to be (re-)compiled whenever the native library or the Haxe library definition changes.

This process is facilitated by creating a Makefile and FFI-defining C files in the directory defined by ammer.hl.build. The compiled hdll files are then placed into the directory defined by ammer.hl.output. Both directories are the same as the .hl output by default.

-D ammer.hl.build=where/to/place/the/stubs
-D ammer.hl.output=where/to/place/the/hdll/files
--hl where/to/place/the/output.hl

When running, the .hdll file must be present either in the current working directory, or in the library directory (e.g. /usr/local/lib). For distributing programs to end users, the former is preferred (since the .hdll files need not be installed).

ammer.hl.hlInclude, ammer.hl.hlLibrary (optional)

Compilation of HashLink .hdll files relies on the hl.h header and the libhl library (the libhl.dylib or libhl.lib file in particular). These defines should be used if the HashLink headers are not present in the default include path.

When using HashLink built from source, ammer.hl.hlInclude should point to the src directory of the HashLink repository clone, and ammer.hl.hlLibrary to the directory containing the binaries produced during HashLink compilation.

When using a binary release of HashLink, both paths should point to the include directory distributed along with the executable.


hxcpp includes a native compilation stage, so external libraries can be dynamically linked directly, without relying on FFI methods.

If the Haxe class has the same name as the main header file of the library, a problem might occur - hxcpp also generates header files that carry the name of the class they represent. To circumvent this problem, create a copy with a different filename, then use ammer.lib.<name>.headers:

$ cp foobar.h tmp.foobar.h
-D ammer.lib.foobar.headers=tmp.foobar.h


Native extensions for eval are supported via the plugin system in Haxe. Dynamic libraries can be linked to an OCaml dynamic library (.cmxs or .cmo), which can be loaded at runtime by Haxe. However, the plugin must be compiled with the exact same OCaml version and configuration as Haxe itself. Therefore Eval is only supported with Haxe set up to compile from its sources. The ammer.eval.haxeDir define must be set to point to the haxe repository directory. ammer.eval.bytecode may be defined to indicate that Haxe is built using the bytecode compiler, which means the native library must also be compiled in this mode.

During compilation with ammer, the .cmxs (or .cmo) file for a native library needs to be (re-)compiled whenever the native library or the Haxe library definition changes.

This process is facilitated by creating a Makefile and FFI-defining C files in the directory defined by ammer.eval.build. The compiled cmxs files are then placed into the directory defined by ammer.eval.output. Both directories default to the current working directory when not specified.

General notes about dynamic libraries

If you are creating a native library from scratch, ensure that it is compiled as a dynamic library.

See http://www.microhowto.info/howto/build_a_shared_library_using_gcc.html, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14173260/creating-shared-libraries-in-c-for-osx, or search for "dynamic library c".

The important things to remember are: compile object files with -fPIC (position-independent code), and compile the library with -dynamiclib.

To actually use a dynamic library at run-time, it must be present in a place in which the OS will know to look. This differs from platform to platform:

Implementation details

External libraries are build in up to four separate stages:

  • FFI type processing - common to all targets, runs once per library. In this stage, the special FFI types are checked. See ammer.Ammer.createFFIMethod.
  • Stub creation - target-specifc, runs once per library. In this stage, files containing the FFI stubs are created for the library if they are needed. See ammer.stub.
  • Type patching - target-specific, runs once per library. In this stage, an extern class containing the native or FFI-linked methods is defined, and the methods of the original class are rewritten to map Haxe types to the target-specific ones and vice versa. See ammer.patch.
  • Build - target-specific, runs once per project. In this stage, the stubs for all the libraries are compiled if needed. See ammer.build.