
Unity Tetris 3D Project

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Tetris3D (Deprecated)

This project has been shut down.
You can fork lastest commit of master but it doesn't contain dozens of features.
Latest features are contained in Effect02 branch but it will cause a lot of errors in scripts.
My project Tetri3D is on the construction. (link)

1Y3T Team Project


Lucas Jeong Kimble Keamtion Eple0731

Project Description

This game is 3D-based tetris which can be run in mobile and PC.
Base Unity version: 2021.3.25f1

Project Synchronization Procedure

  1. Clone Git in the local directory.
  2. Make 3D Core Project in your temporary local directory. Make sure to create with base Unity version.
  3. Copy solution file(.sln) and Unity library folder(Library) to your cloned Git directory root folder.
  4. Make your own branch.
  5. Do your tasks.
  6. Commit & Push to your branch when tasks are done.
  7. Project manager(jcy9503) will review the changes and merge into master branch.

Project Rules

  • Do not share codes with others.
  • Do not edit any config files(.ignore etc.) without permission.
  • Alert manager when you need LFS service.
  • Branch Commit & Push must be recognized to other teammates before.