
A planet mod for Kerbal Space Program adding a black hole system.

Kcalbeloh System

Imgur Kcalbeloh System is a planet pack adding an entirely new black hole system with 30 unique celestial bodies, including a super-massive black hole, 4 stars, 15 planets, and 10 moons and asteroids, each with its own unique set of challenges and features.

This planet mod provides a diverse range of environments for Kerbals to explore, such as a planet with surface torn apart by tidal force, binary gas giants with multiple moons, a planet tidally locked by its parent star, and a small moon with a twisted surface. Like the movie Interstellar, there are also a pair of wormholes available for Kerbals to jump between Kerbol system and Kcalbeloh system, adding another layer of exploration and excitement.

If you're looking for an exciting and rewarding space adventure, Kcalbeloh System is an excellent addition to Kerbal Space Program, providing tens or even hundreds of hours of entertainment.

I really appreciate everyone who has followed this mod. Also thanks to everyone who has provided suggestions, bug reports, or any other forms of help. Also, if you have a cool idea and want to contribute to this project, feel free to let me know.

Get ready to blast off into the cosmos and embark on a thrilling journey through the Kcalbeloh System.

Happy launchings!


System Map

Are you sure you want to spoil it?

Delta-V Map




System Requirements

  • OS: Windows Only
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1-2 GB VRAM

Install via CKAN (Recommended)

It's easier and less possible to have installation mistakes to install Kcalbeloh System via CKAN. Please notice that only stable versions are posted on CKAN. If you want to download the test versions, you still need to install them manually.

Install Manually

  1. Install Kcalbeloh System
    • If you have an older version of the Kcalbeloh System installed, please completely delete it before proceeding with the new version.
    • Download from one of the sources:
    • Download Kcalbeloh-System-(v1.x.x).zip.
    • Choose ONE of them to download:
      • Kcalbeloh-Textures-4k.zip: Regular-res textures.
      • Kcalbeloh-Textures-8k.zip: High-res textures, NOT recommended if your RAM is no more than 16 GB.
    • Extract the zip files and put all the folders in /GameData (000_NiakoUtils, KcalbelohSystem, KcalbelohTextures, and KopernicusExpansion) to your [KSP installation folder]/GameData/ folder.
    • Do NOT download KcalbelohExtras.zip unless you know what it is used for.
  2. Install Dependencies
  3. Install Visuals
    The planet pack works fine without visual mods, but it will lose a large part of its aesthetic.
    • EVE Redux: for clouds, dust storms, and auroras.
    • Scatterer: for realistic atmosphere, oceans, and sun flares.

Installation Checklist

After a complete installation, the GameData folder should AT LEAST have the following contents:

  • 000_Harmony
  • 000_NiakoUtils
  • EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  • KcalbelohSystem
  • KcalbelohTextures
  • Kopernicus
  • KopernicusExpansion
  • KSPCommunityFixes
  • ModularFlightIntegrator
  • Scatterer
  • Singularity
  • ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll




  • Environmental Visual Enhancements
  • Scatterer
  • Parallax 2.0 (Needs Parallax Stock Textures)
  • Community Resource Pack
  • Rational Resources
  • SpaceDust
  • Research Bodies
  • DMagic Orbital Science
  • Kerbalism
  • PlanetShine
  • True Volumetric Clouds: Official support is in development. You can find the UNFINISHED test version here. Use it at your own risk.

Compatible With:

  • Visual Packs: AVP and Spectra.

  • Planet Mods: It depends. As an interstellar planet mod, Kcalbeloh shouldn't have conflicts with most planet mods, as long as:

    • The planet mod is compatible with the newest version of KSP/Kopernicus.
    • The planet mod is compatible with the latest EVE, Scatterer (and Parallax 2.0, if installed).
    • HomeSwitch is disabled with any system-replacer planet mod.

    However, installing Kcalbeloh System with other planet mods together is NOT recommended since planet mods typically demand substantial storage and memory resources.


Kcalbeloh System provides configuration for Principia in v1.1.2 and above. The orbit stability of all celestial bodies is verified for at least 2000 years. With Principia:
(1) Kerbol will be forced to orbit Kcalbeloh, since Principia cannot handle interstellar distances;
(2) Wormholes and Rescale will be disabled automatically;
(3) Skybox will be turned black to avoid visual error with Principia + Singularity;
(4) It's NOT compatible with RSS and other planet mods.

Real Solar System

Kcalbeloh System is compatible with RSS, but the following steps should be taken:

  1. Install RSS and Kcalbeloh System first.
  2. Install Sigma Dimensions.


  • When installing Kcalbeloh System and RealSolarSystem together, 10x rescale will be forced on Kcalbeloh System.
  • Kcalbeloh System is NOT compatible with RSS and Parallax together.
  • Do NOT install Sigma Dimensions on CKAN since the version on CKAN is outdated.

Mod Settings

Imgur Go to Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KcalbelohSystem/ and open Kcalbeloh System Settings.cfg with any text editor.


Wormholes = : whether to have wormholes connecting the stock solar system and Kcalbeloh system.

  • True: (default) enable the wormholes.
  • False: disable the wormholes.

Home Switch

HomeSwitch = : whether to switch home planet to Efil or Suluco. KSC and all the other launch sites and airfields will be moved to the selected planet.

  • False: (default) keep KSC on Kerbin.
  • Suluco: Set Suluco as the home planet.
  • Efil: Set Efil as the home planet.
  • Another hidden option for those who enjoy challenge, pain, and cool stuffs.
  • Home switch is NOT compatible with system-replacement planet mods (Beyond Home, GPP, RSS, etc).
  • It is NOT recommended to load any saved game after changing home switch setting. There are risks of losing existing vessels.

RemoveKerbolWhenHomeSwitch = : Whether to remove the stock (Kerbol) system if HomeSwitch is enabled.

  • False: (default) Keep the stock system.
  • True: Remove the stock system. It can reduce RAM and CPU usage.


DistanceFactor =: moving Kcalbeloh System closer or further to the stock system.

  • 1: (default) keep the default distance (271.8 Tm).
  • 0: Kerbol will orbit Kcalbeloh.
  • 0.1: 0.1x default distance.
  • 10: 10x default distance.
  • 100: 100x default distance.


Rescale = : rescale the system to 2.5x or 10x size.

  • 1: (default) No rescales applied. It has the same scale as the stock system.
  • 2.5: 2.5x scale. If JNSQ is installed, this value will be forced.
  • 10: 10x scale (realistic scale). If RealSolarSystem is installed, this option will be forced.
  • This option needs Sigma Dimensions installed.

Star Size

RealisticStarSize = : In KSP, the dimensions of stars appear disproportionately larger in comparison to the planets. This item aligns the size of stars with that of planets, thereby yielding a more realistic visual aesthetic.

  • True - (Default) Adjust the size of stars to a realistic scale compared with planets. It only influences the visual appearance. The mass of the stars won't be changed.
  • False - Keep the size of stars untouched.
  • It only changes Kerbol and the stars in Kcalbeloh system.


DisableSkybox = : Whether to disable the skybox bundled with Kcalbeloh System.

  • True: Disable the skybox bundled with Kcalbeloh System. Set it to True if you don't like this skybox.
  • False: (default) Use the skybox bundled with Kcalbeloh System.

Recommended Mods




  1. Does it replace the Kerbol system or add a new system?
    It adds a new system without any change to the Kerbol system. But it also offers home switch options which allow you to move KSC to habitable planets in Kcalbeloh system. For more information on home switch, click here.

  2. Is it based on the movie Interstellar?
    Yes, but no. Although some ideas of the mod are inspired by Interstellar, the goal of the mod is not to facsimile the Gargantua system from Interstellar, but to create a unique star system.

  3. Is it compatible with other planet packs?
    Yes, it is compatible with most planet packs but it still needs further testing. Let me know if you have any issues.

  4. Is it compatible with Real Solar System?
    Yes, but you need to install Sigma Dimensions. See here.

  5. Is it compatible with other visual mods?
    Yes, it is compatible with most visual mods for stock system, such as Astronomer's Visual Pack, Spectra, and Stock Visual Enhancement.

  6. What is a wormhole? How can I use it?
    A wormhole is a structure linking disparate points in spacetime. In KSP, a wormhole functions like a celestial body with its mass and SOI. To traverse the wormhole, you need to lower your periapsis below 30 km. After you reach the periapsis, you will jump to the other star system. The wormhole orbits Jool by default, while it orbits Sarnus if OPM is installed, or Saturn if RSS/KSRSS is installed.

  7. How can I establish communication with vessels in the Kcalbeloh system? The Kcalbeloh system is situated over 200 trillion meters away from the Kerbol system, exceeding the range of even super antennas in most mods. Also, you cannot communicate through the wormhole. There are still several solutions you can consider:

    • (Recommended) Send a crewed control station equipped with a remote control module, such as the RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit. Utilize this module to remotely control your probes without connecting to KSC. Also, many modded command pods can act as a probe control point as well.
    • Set DistanceFactor = 0 in KcalbelohSystemSettings.cfg, causing Kerbol to orbit Kcalbeloh. This adjustment will significantly reduce the communication distance to a more manageable scale, measured in trillions of meters, which can be handled by antennas in the Near Future mods.
    • Use some modded super powerful interstellar antennas (GU parts has some as I know). Keep in mind that this option may stretch realism, as real-time interstellar communication is implausible in reality due to the limitations imposed by the speed of light.


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