If you don't already have a copy of Syndicate, you can get it here: https://www.whiteelephantaudio.com/plugins/syndicate
Syndicate is an open source project, the source code is available here: https://github.com/jd-13/syndicate-mirror
- To download all presets select the green "Code" button above this text and then select "Download ZIP"
- Extract the ZIP, and each folder inside will contain a .syn file
- You can then open this file by opening Syndicate and using the "Load" button in the top left of the UI, and navigating to the .syn file for the preset you are interested in
A short description and requirements for each preset is in each folder alongside the corresponding .syn file.
If you open a preset but don't have all the required plugins, the rest of the preset will load but those plugins will simply be missing.