
📚 Libritos: Your Personal Reading Assistant with a User-Friendly Interface

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

📚 Libritos

Table of Contents 📚

About 📔

Libritos is a simple web application that allows you to search for books that you previously added from a discord bot.

The discord bot is set at a specific channel and it will listen to files such as pdf, epub, mobi, etc. and it will upload them to a server. The server will then process the file and add it to the database. The web application will then allow you to search for the book and download it.

Deployment 🚀

Requirements 📋

Create a cloudflare account and add your domain.

The domain should point to the render deployment something like this


So in my case the website will be available at https://libritos.jonathan.com.ar

Create a turso account and run the script npm run migration

In the root of the project run the following command

npm run migration

Turso only works with github so if you don't have a github account sorry! But you will have to create one.


First time you run the script you will see something like this

prompt turso

The turso CLI will open a browser tab and ask you to authorize the application with github.

Now the script will run a function to create the database with the proper schema and then obtain the url/token of the database.

After everything is set you will see something like this


Create a render account and add the repository

Create a web service and add my repository which is https://github.com/jd-apprentice/libritos

web service


Base configuration would be something like this


Now for advance configuration is where we add our environment variables


Also remember to add the /health endpoint to the health check

Here is a table with the environment variables

Name Value Example
DISCORD_TOKEN Discord bot token from the developer portal 123456789
DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID Discord channel id where the bot is allowed to receive files 123456789
ALLOWED_FORMATS Allowed formats for the bot to upload "application/pdf, application/epub+zip, application/x-mobipocket-ebook"
BOOKS_TABLE Name of the table where the books are going to be stored books
TURSO_URL Url of the turso instance libsql://database-user.turso.io
TURSO_DB_TOKEN Token of the turso instance 123456789

Create a discord bot and add it to your server

In the discord developer portal create a bot

developer portal

Under the Bot section we are going to retrieve the token


Bot is going to need the following permissions in the OAuth2 section

  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Read Message History
  • Use Slash Commands

Then in the Bot section make sure message intents are enabled like this


Deployment outside of render

Since i've built this application with docker in mind you can deploy it anywhere you want as long as you have docker installed or the service that you are using supports dockerfiles.

In case you are using another service or your own server make sure the use the "build:others": "lerna run build:others" from lerna to build the project, since the default build is for render, which in the background i've added a bun install to install the dependencies since render doesn't install them by default.

Usage 📖

Discord Bot 🤖

How to use the discord bot:

send a message with the following format

image: <url>
description: <message>

and a file attached to the message

files must be smaller than 20MB


if everything was okay you will see the file saved message


else you will see the proper validation that is stopping the file from being uploaded

Web Application 🌐

Once the file is uploaded to the server you can see it in the web application


Contributing 🤝

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

License 📝

This project is GPL-3.0 licensed.

Contact 📧

Social media links and email address available at my linktr.ee