
Build expressive user interfaces with consistent code and reusable components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Famous Framework (alpha)

The Famous Framework is a new JavaScript framework for creating reusable, composable, and interchangeable UI widgets and applications. It balances declarative with imperative and functional with stateful, and it's built on top of the Famous Engine. We are excited to make it available as open source under an MIT license for the first time as part of a public alpha.

Read more about the Framework in our in-depth introductory blog post.

IMPORTANT: This project is in an early phase and under active development; expect bugs and breaking changes to occur. To submit a bug report, please use GitHub Issues. For questions and general support, join our Slack channel.

Setup & installation

The easiest way to get started is the Famous CLI (via its framework branch). Scaffolding is provided because the Famous Framework includes a set of custom local development tools which, while not required to use the framework, make creating components more straightforward. (We'll soon be documenting how to use the framework without any build tools.)

First, make sure you have Node.js installed, at least version 0.12. (We hope to support Node.js 0.10 in the near future.) Then, to get started, create a new folder for your project:

$ mkdir my-new-folder # A new folder to hold your code
$ cd my-new-folder

Next, install a special version of the Famous CLI (the framework branch):

$ npm cache clean
$ npm install -g 'git://github.com/Famous/famous-cli.git#framework'
# ^ This installs the Famous CLI. You may need to 'sudo' this

Then, with the install of the special Famous CLI version complete, run a command to scaffold a new framework project in the directory you created above:

$ famous framework-scaffold
? Enter a username: jane-doe
? Enter your component's name: todos
? Does the project name "jane-doe:todos" look ok? Yes
Created framework scaffold in current working directory!
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Once the local server and watchers are running, surf to localhost:1618/. Changes you make to files within the components/ folder will trigger automatic reload.

(Note: The reason you need to type in a username during the setup process is just an initial gesture toward an integration between Famous Framework and Famous Hub. Currently, during the scaffold process, it's only used to generate a namespaced folder structure for your project.)


Installation is not currently working on Windows. Fixing this is a top priority and the progress is being tracked in the following GitHub Issue: Famous#17. We're beginning to document the necessary steps under docs/windows-installation.


Below is an example of what a Famous Framework component looks like. This code lives in a file jane-doe/nifty-demo/nifty-demo.js. (The convention of only lowercase letters and hyphens is important to stick to.)

FamousFramework.component('jane-doe:nifty-demo', {
    behaviors: {
        '#box': {
            'size': [100, 100],
            'style': {
                'background-color': '#40b2e8'
            'rotation-z': function(rotation) {
                return rotation;
    events: {
        '#box': {
            'click': function($state) {
                $state.set('rotation', $state.get('rotation') + 10, {
                    duration: 1000,
                    curve: 'easeOut'
    states: {
        rotation: 0
    tree: `<node id="box"></node>`

Deploying (experimental)

We're still refining this process, but we've got a basic workflow available if you want to push your Famous Framework project up to Famous Hub so that it can be shared/embedded.

1.) Make sure you've already registered with Famous Hub ($ famous register). You only need to do this one time. If you aren't sure, look for a .famous/.config file in your system's home directory.

2.) Make sure the namespace of the component you are developing is the same as the username you registered with. I.e., if your component is jane-doe:my-component, your username would need to be jane-doe in order to deploy with Famous services.

3.) From the main directory of your project (the root directory in which you originally ran $ famous framework-scaffold), take a snapshot of the component that you want to deploy:

$ npm run snapshot-component -- -n jane-doe:my-component

4.) Finally, use the Famous CLI to push the snapshot you took in the last step up to a Famous Container.

$ famous deploy public/jane-doe:my-component


With so many world-class JavaScript frameworks out there, why has Famous decided to release its own? In a nutshell:

  • Reusability / interchangability. The Famous Framework is built around powerful constraints and a declarative syntax that make it possible for components to be reused and interchanged.

  • Application consistency. In an ecosystem where widgets/applications/utilities all follow the same guidelines, developers and designers both reap the benefits: less trial and error when attempting to integrate with others' projects.

  • Integration with existing web standards. Although our integration is far from complete, from the beginning we've aimed to design and build the framework around existing web standards.

  • Static analyzability: Components that follow the constraints established by the Famous Framework can be staticaly analyzed, which hints at some exciting possibilities for tools and services that could be built on top.

How to make the most of the framework:

1.) Color inside the lines: Although we've taken care to ensure you can break out of our guidelines and syntax when you need to, we think you'll have a better experience if you stick with them. In some cases, this means you'll have to approach familiar problems in a new way.

2.) Remember the microchip: In Famous Framework, every component is a black box. Sharing state between components is not provided for; you must build your app so that the inputs and outputs of each component connect and synchronize in the right way.

3.) Join the Slack channel: The best way to get help and troubleshoot is via the Famous Framework Slack channel. Our engineers visit regularly and will do their best to answer questions you may have, from the conceptual to technical.


Please see our contributing guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2015 Famous Industries, Inc. MIT license. See LICENSE.txt