🧛‍♂️ slidev-theme-dracula


NPM version

A Dracula theme for Slidev.

✨ Demo

🛠️ Install

Add the following frontmatter to your slides.md. Start Slidev then it will prompt you to install the theme automatically.

theme: dracula

Learn more about how to use a theme.

🧱 Layouts

This theme provides the following layouts:

Please refer to the source code of the available layouts to learn more about how to use them.

For a preview of the layouts, please refer to layouts demo.

📦 Components

Raise issue

🤝 Contributing

  • npm install
  • npm run dev to start theme preview of example.md
  • Edit the example.md and style to see the changes
  • npm run export to generate the preview PDF
  • npm run screenshot to generate the preview PNG

💖 Sponsors
