
poc for theta network utilizing the thetavideoapi and the theta p2p js library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


poc for theta network utilizing the thetavideoapi and the theta p2p js library


Create an app on thetavideoapi.com to generate the api keys


  • --api-id (required) -> defines api id from the theta video api
  • --api-secret (required) -> defines api secret from theta video api
  • --ip (optional) -> defines ip on which run the web server (default value is localhost)
  • --port (optional) -> defines port on which to run the web server (default value is 8001)
  • --dbPath (optional) -> defines path to bitcask db file (default value is /tmp/db)

build binary go build http.go

run binary with the api key/secret as arguments and optionally define the ip and port

web server runs on port 8001

# Dependencies
## Golang
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "flag"
- "fmt"
- "html/template"
- "io/ioutil"
- "log"
- "net/http"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "git.mills.io/prologic/bitcask"
- "github.com/alexedwards/scs/v2"
- "github.com/gorilla/mux"
- "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt"
- "github.com/google/uuid"
## JavaScript/CSS
- tailwindcss 
- video.js v7.10.2 https://vjs.zencdn.net/7.10.2/video.min.js/https://vjs.zencdn.net/7.10.2/video-js.min.css
- hls.js v0.12.4 https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@0.12.4
- theta.js v0.0.0 https://d1ktbyo67sh8fw.cloudfront.net/js/theta.umd.js
- theta hls.js plugin v0.0.0 https://d1ktbyo67sh8fw.cloudfront.net/js/theta-hls-plugin.umd.js
- theta video.js plugin v0.0.0 https://d1ktbyo67sh8fw.cloudfront.net/js/videojs-theta-plugin.min.js
- theta web widget v0.0.0 https://theta-web-widgets.thetatoken.org/js/ThetaWebWidgets.js